Only Controversial Topics!!!


I don't believe 'God' is a white man sitting in the sky either.
Me neither. He is clearly the color purple.

I think partly because the optimist in me can't accept the possibility of life just ending here. Someone I knew quite well had a near death/out of body experience as well which I tend to cling onto.
This is definitely why i was faithful for so long. Both of them, i think i've got alternate explanations for both (personally) but i really enjoyed your comment CiCi.

Well it's supposed to be controversial. I thought his obvious baiting and whining about people whining about all the talk here not being movie related even though noone has ever said that to him were relevant subjects.
Now I'm confused, Camo. Do you like the thread or don't you?

Of course I'm baiting. When you think about it - every new thread (and there are new ones everyday) is a form of baiting. Members are baiting other members to engage them in conversation.

That's fair. Your baiting was about a subject that had clearly passed (by noone responding to Guap) and that you kept bringing up to the point were it felt like you were forcing it. As i said if people wanted to talk about it they would, after the first four comments don't lead anywhere you should probably accept that people aren't interested though.

Couldn't agree more. I know Captain has in the past taken from certain conversations with me and others that we were trying to stifle non-movie talk or something, for the record i wasn't when i said that it was about 90s Ace and how baffling i found it that he joined a movie forum to discuss what he did while pretty much never talking about movies. That's not it though if people want to talk about Israel-Palestine they will but he can't be surprised that his attempts to start a discussion on it the last few pages have failed when as you said it is such an exhausting topic.
this is the right forum for these discussions---

The Satan question is always an interesting one. Perhaps Satan is not a distinct being FROM God, but is part of God, another aspect - the angry and jealous part (or the Old Testament), the punishing part (which Christians are taught will damn them for all eternity unless they accept Christ) the vengeful part (and vengeance is his, thus sayeth the Lord).

Perhaps the "trinity" is really Father, Son and Holy Satan?
Maybe God is like "the Force" - he has a light side that we call God and a dark side we call Satan and it is up to us which side of this power we tap into?

In the Hindu religion there is Brahman - this is the "Trimurti": the three-in-one God (similar to the Christian trinity), but Brahman is made up of Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver) and Shiva (the destroyer & transformer). Non-Hindus might see Shiva as similar to Satan because it is Shiva that destroys as part of the circle of life, the circle of creation, destruction and rebirth. Christians see Satan as a destroyer as well, but if death and destruction is necessary to the circle, then perhaps Satan is a necessary aspect of God the way Shiva is necessary to Brahman.

That's fair. Your baiting was about a subject that had clearly passed (by noone responding to Guap) and that you kept bringing up to the point were it felt like you were forcing it. As i said if people wanted to talk about it they would, after the first four comments don't lead anywhere you should probably accept that people aren't interested though.
I'm not denying anything you said, Camo. Yes, I responded to Guap's post asking if it was a joke (I was baiting because the subject is totally controversial - and I think Sean pointed out how it almost can't be debated because the history is so complicated and so convoluted and the sides are so set in their opinions - which is another way of saying it's a very controversial topic).

Then you responded with an opinion on the topic, then Rules responded with an opinion, but then Steve Freeling responded with a somewhat different POV and a question - so I responded to him with an opinion and then another post containing a video to give back up to what I'd said. In other words, we had a little conversation going. So discussing the topic garnered SOME interest for a short while, but it ended quickly.

As to what inspired this thread - it was inspired by several things (as hinted at in the OP), especially some of Guap's recent "controversial" posts. But since it was inspired by several things (and since I am a satirist who will try to incorporate as much irony as possible), people should stop taking things so personally = i.e. I'm not making fun of any one of you in particular, I'm making fun of all of you!

Allright! Lets talk about global warming, and how our shill of a President-elect thinks its a Chinese conspiracy....yknow like Obama wasnt born in the U.S.
This articles a few days old but you get the idea...

Snow in Hawaii, For Real

This picture was the view from the summit on Mauna Kea on Hawaii on Thursday. That is not a typo, Hawaii had snow. A lot of it.

HONOLULU (AP) — It's wintertime in Hawaii.

The National Weather Service in Honolulu has issued a winter storm warning for the summits of Hawaii's Big Island as wind and snow engulf the high peaks.

Up to a foot of snow is possible on the summits of Hawaii's Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa volcanoes above 12,000 feet. Workers at the summit of Mauna Kea, where several of the world's most advanced telescopes are located, have been removing wind swept snow drifts along the access road all day. The summit is currently closed to the public because of icy and dangerous conditions.

Meteorologists say the summits could see periods of heavy snow with wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour through Friday evening.

I hate talkin' politics, but how about Obama & Kerry's last minute parting shot at Israel?

(I hear that whole Israel / Palestinian thing is controversial).

Funny that Kerry never mentioned that during Palestine's history of dealings with Israel they've turned their back on every peace offer, refused every compromise, have broken every treaty, have broken every cease fire, have broken every deal, how they took millions of aid money that Israel gave them to help their people and used it to build "terror tunnels" (so they could murder Israeli families in their homes) and buy munitions for more terror attacks against Israel, have answered every single call for peace with continuous rocket attacks on Israeli neighborhoods, and have responded to all concessions by kidnapping and murdering Israeli soldiers, men, women and children, and murdering Israelis in the streets.

I think Netanyahu said something about the "root" of the problem. The root of the problem that no one wants to talk about is that you have a democratic nation that holds western values trying to deal with Islam - an ideology that says all Jews (along with all other "infidels") must die. We are going to find out what Israel already knows when Iran begins their back-stabbing over the nuclear "deal" (based in "takiyyah" like all Islamic "deals" with infidels) soon.

Hopefully I've thrown out enough "controversial" words & ideas to jump start conversations!

Oh, I just seen this thread bumped and I thought it might be about political correctness. Now that's a controversial subject, or so I hear
First we need to define it, which is not easy.

I've always said that the intentions of PC are basically good, but those intentions became corrupted when some people realized the kinds of rewards they could reap by becoming "offended" and being victims. It is a set of double standards practiced by a philosophical camp that shouts "equality" while then engaging in the very inequitable double standards it claims it opposes.

Boiled down; it's a duplicitous scheme by those who want to take from others (whether it's money, property, accolades, apportions, rights, recognition, definitions, etc. ) by claiming victimhood while they simultaneously claim to be ethically superior and thus entitled to a greater compensation than anyone they deem politically incorrect.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I remember a long time ago, on a board far, far away having a discussion on what PC meant. I was surprised it meant different things to different people. Take for example changing descriptive phrases. Is this an example of PCness? or something else?

When I was a kid a neighborhood kid was deaf, and if someone described his condition they would say that he was deaf and dumb. Not meaning it as an insult, that was the common term then. As the years go by dumb is dropped (thank goodness as it seems insulting to me) and he's called simply deaf. But that word changes to hearing disabled, as not all deaf people are fully deaf. Latter still that term went out of use and hearing impaired was in vogue. Now the term hearing challenged is commonly used.

So is that what people call being PC or is that something different?

That is a very rudimentary form of PC - and one that is relatively benign.
The word dumb originally only meant mute, but mute people were erroneously thought of as stupid due to their difficulties in communicating, thus "dumb" took on an additional definition of "stupid." It was a word evolution that was based on erroneous & prejudicial ideas.

The same process has exploded in modern times but to ridiculous degrees - with college campuses coming up with lists of "trigger" words that they want banned because they might make someone feel they are not currently in their "safe space." Many of these allegedly offensive words (most of which were formerly never considered offensive) are simply a case where a word may have multiple definitions.

Allright! Lets talk about global warming, and how our shill of a President-elect thinks its a Chinese conspiracy....yknow like Obama wasnt born in the U.S.
This articles a few days old but you get the idea...

Snow in Hawaii, For Real

This picture was the view from the summit on Mauna Kea on Hawaii on Thursday. That is not a typo, Hawaii had snow. A lot of it.

HONOLULU (AP) — It's wintertime in Hawaii.

The National Weather Service in Honolulu has issued a winter storm warning for the summits of Hawaii's Big Island as wind and snow engulf the high peaks.

Up to a foot of snow is possible on the summits of Hawaii's Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa volcanoes above 12,000 feet. Workers at the summit of Mauna Kea, where several of the world's most advanced telescopes are located, have been removing wind swept snow drifts along the access road all day. The summit is currently closed to the public because of icy and dangerous conditions.

Meteorologists say the summits could see periods of heavy snow with wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour through Friday evening.
Global warming = snow in Hawaii?




Master of My Domain
Climate change is the correct term actually. The concept of "Global Warming" is outdated.

And uh, y'all know that snow in Hawaii doesn't change everything right?
Letterboxd Profile:

Green frog nitpicks nitpicks like crazy certain cases and not so much in others, picks and chooses

I want to start off the New Year by challenging everyone to be as Politically INcorrect (a synonym for which is "honest") from now on!

Which is more controversial: Political Correctness or Political INcorrectness?

Welcome to the human race...
From the looks of this place, I'd say it's being politically correct that would prove the bigger challenge.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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