Extreme Music Tournament (caution: ears may bleed)


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
you guys might hate me for LUST
Sounds like me trying to come up with the most "technical" and at the same time trv version of black metal ever possible.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Sounds like me trying to come up with the most "technical" and at the same time trv version of black metal ever possible.
The individual that is LUST is very eccentric, the album cover of his first release is him standing naked in a lake with what looks like a flintlock pistol in his mouth, ready to pull the trigger.

It is for reasons like this why Black Metal is not for everyone. But thanks for your input Minio.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

16 pts Torture Squad - Pandemonium
15 pts Krisiun - Slaying Steel
14 pts Sepultura - To The Wall
13 pts The Berzerker - Forever
12 pts Gospel of the Horns - Vengeance is Mine
11 pts Breeze of the Dying - Blame Me Not
10 pts Black Tongue - Coma
9 pts Orchid - Aesthetic Dialectic
8 pts Earth Crisis - Firestorm
7 pts Sarcófago - Ready to ****
6 pts Xasthur - Storms of Red Revenge part 2
5 pts I Ate Everybody - Gather All the Bodies
4 pts Black Murder - Tower of Tortured Ones
3 pts Vrolok - Within the Masters Chambers
2 pts I Hate Sex - I F***ing Hate Sports
1 pt LUST - Spear of Destiny

Spelled out the number of points (and ranked highest to lowest) to avoid confusion.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
It is for reasons like this why Black Metal is not for everyone. But thanks for your input Minio.
It's not bad at all. I guess it's war metal. The riffs are simplistic and it's clearly heard as opposed to, say, Filosofem since it's creepy quality and everything sounds like one wall of sound.

When I was tallying the points it was easier to have the number of points next to the song, so I'm going to follow suit with you guys.

16. Vrolok - Within the Master's Chambers
15. Xasthur - Storms of Red Revenge
14. Earth Crisis - Firestorm
13. Lust - Spear of Destiny
12. Sarcofago - Ready to F***
11. Gospel of Horns - Vengeance is Mine
10. The Berzerker - Forever
9. Krisuin - Slaying Steel
8. Kreator - Riot of Violence
7. Jungle Rot - Gore Bag
6. Torture Squad - Pandemonium
5. Suffocation - Pierced from Within
4. Black Tongue - Coma
3. I Ate Everybody - Gather All the Bodies
2. Sepultra - To the Wall
1. Destruction - Bullets from Hell

Honestly the only stuff that got me excited was Vrolok, and Xasthur. Earth Crisis and Lust were really good too. Sarcofago were interesting, but I really hated the subject matter. As much as I love a lot of Satanic Black Metal music, I despise most of it's subject matter. And I recently acquired a taste for Pornogrind, Goregrind, Deathgrind, Raw Black Metal, and I reached the point where I don't think any music is too heavy for me to appreciate and enjoy. But I still find that the vast majority of the most extreme forms of music are 90% complete garbage in terms of it's subject matter (actually I could probably say that about all forms of music, and all forms of art for that matter). At least Satanic music that takes itself seriously has an element that I can respect in it's lyrical content and subject matter, even though it's evil. Because I love God, and fear him, I choose to hate evil. So I try to go into it being very careful about my frame of mind. I get tempted to lust when I see nudity on album covers, so I just look away and try to focus on the music. And when I can understand lyrics that are about sex it's either tempting or/and disgusting (depending on how vulgar and perverted the lyrics are). So all this is to say that I found it challenging to listen to Sarcofago, at least that song. And I had to listen to the song about three times to really feel where to place it. Instrumentally I liked it a lot, and the vocal techniques were very interesting, but the subject matter was a hurdle for me. Even my own nomination, Black Murder, is a band that I love the sound of but don't really listen to often because of how evil their imagery and subject matter is. Personally I don't really think of Satanic stuff as much more evil, or necessarily more Satanic, than other secular things like glorified violence in action movies or sexuality and lust in pop music.

Anyway, I'm just saying this to give you guys some insight into me, not to influence your nominations or anything. Everything from Kreator and under I rate
. I'd rather listen to that over what plays on the radio, but it's not music that I particularly enjoyed listening to. I listened to most of the songs all the way through, and about half of them more than once. A few songs I skimmed a bit because I started getting bored.

That Sepultra song was more interesting than the few Sepultra songs I've heard in the past, but I just don't really find Sepultra very interesting.

I Ate Everybody, Black Tongue, Suffocation, and Torture Squad were pretty generic in their Deathcore/Death Metal elements. I've listened to a fair bit of Deathcore and Death Metal, and it's some pretty muddy water with hundreds of bands that sound just typical and generic. So I don't really get too interested in them. I will drop some more Deathcore nominations myself before this is over so you can see what kind of interesting Deathcore bands I've found over the years (or at least what I consider "interesting").

Jungle Rot, Kreator, Krisuin, and The Berzerker had interesting elements, but overall did not particularly appeal to my taste/niches.

Lust were really interesting. I liked the sloppiness and the eccentric elements.

Earth Crisis are a band that has never particularly appealed to me, but that song was more interesting than probably anything of theirs I've heard before.

Vrolok and Xasthur were fabulous. I listened to a bunch more of their material. Amazing stuff!

As always AboveTheClouds, you never cease to amaze.

I'm sad you didn't submit anything this round, Swan. I guess it's a lot of new territory for you, and maybe you're feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'd suggest trying a couple of approaches during the course of this tournament.

1. Pick 1-3 particular niches that you have so far and do some googling for similar material. When you come across some material that you like throw it at us. Don't worry about listening to a band's whole album, or familiarising yourself with their discography before you decide to pick a song you come across that interests you. Don't bog yourself down too much.

2. Pick 1-3 particular genres/styles that you are not yet familiar with to explore and follow the same pattern as #1.

Anyway, that's just my personal approach to exploring music. It's nice to add whole albums to playlists, or to go through a great band's whole discography, but that can be very time consuming too. Sometimes you just have to sample a whole bunch of random songs to get a scope of what's out there and then when you have time you can pick the most interesting things that you've found to sit down and really absorb. I don't know what you're personal approach to listening to music is, but mine is kind of chaotic. Sometimes I go long stretches without even listening to any music at all, and sometimes I go through stretches of doing practically nothing but listen to music.

Judging from your taste so far I'd suggest sampling some first and second wave Hardcore (and maybe third wave and newer too), some first wave Metalcore, early Grindcore, Grindcore/Powerviolence, Crust, Death Metal, Thrash Metal (newer/heavier stuff than Metallica/Slayer), and some Deathcore too.

I don't know how busy you are with other things in your life right now, so just do whatever you feel like and don't worry about it. Just don't waste time doing things that are meaningless or not particularly interesting. There isn't enough time in life to sample every amazing awesome thing out there to waste time on things that are just mediocre.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
War Metal is Black/Death basically in one genre. If you really want to get into sub-sub genre's than the two I like the most are Orthodox Black Metal and War Metal.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
16. Black Murder
15. Sarcofago
14. Orchid
13. Kreator
12. Destruction
11. Jungle Rot
10. Krisiun
9. Torture Squad
8. Sepultura
7. I Ate Everybody
6. Suffocation
5. Earth Crisis
4. Breeze of the Dying
3. Black Tongue
2. I Hate Sex
1.The Berzerker

That Blue Angel tombstone is really interesting. I couldn't find out much about the guy buried there other than he was a member of parliament and a lawyer/judge (I think). And apparently the angel is called the "blue" angel because of a blue spray paint bomb that they couldn't completely wash off.

Such a beautiful piece of artistry though. I love seeing sculptures of angels. I don't know why, they're just so beautiful and interesting.

Talking about the vandalism kind of reminds me of how much art and architecture and literature has been destroyed in wars. Like when Baghdad was bombed in 2003.

Edit: I couldn't even find a picture of the angel with her hand. The missing hand kind of suits her though, gives her character and makes her look so wounded, and vulnerable.

I was seriously thinking about picking an Orchid song. It would've probably been Epilogue of a Car Crash.
Yeah, for me Aesthetic Dialectic was the first song of theirs I ever heard and it totally amazed me. I love the whole dialogue. I guess it's pertaining to the music scene at the time. Other favorite songs of theirs are ...And the Cat Turned to Smoke, New Jersey vs Valhalla, and as you say Epilogue of a Car Crash. They have so many good songs though. Later I'm going to nominate another band that has members from Orchid.

I enjoyed reading your insight Zotis. I'm glad that you enjoyed the Earth Crisis song!

It's gonna be pushing it but I'm gonna try my best to get these songs listened to and ranked before midnight. Also, why did Swan not nominate anything?

He said he couldn't this round. I'll give you some leeway since I know you're working on it. Just submit it as soon as you can.

I'm wondering if we should have a pause/overlap between posting nominations and voting on them. Like, maybe on the day you vote you also post your nominations for the next round, instead of posting nominations for the same round you're voting for on the same day. What do you guys think?

This would extend voting for this round until midnight tomorrow, and submit your songs for round 3 tomorrow. Voting for round 3 would not begin until after midnight tomorrow, and at midnight tomorrow no more nominations for round 3 would be accepted, and nominating for round 4 would begin.

Ok, here is my list:

1st - Kreator - Riot of Violence (Kreator is the best thrash metal band of all time)
2nd - Vrolok - Within the Master's Chambers (the REAL shite)
3rd - Gospel of the Horns - Vegeance is Mine (very conservative sounding black metal)
4th - Xasthur - Storms Of Red Revenge - Part 2 (AWESOME!)
5th - Orchid - Aesthetic Dialectic (AWESOME)
6th - LUST - Spear of Destiny (AWESOME, specially the vocals)
7th - Destruction - Bullets from Hell
8th - Suffocation - Pierced from Within
9th - Jungle Rot - Gore Bag
10th - Black Murder - Tower of Tortured Ones (bad production gave me a headache )
11th - Breeze of the Dying - Blame Me Not (this is not music, it's noise )
12th - I hate sex - I ****ing Hate Sports (whoa, WTF is this shiite)
13th - I Ate Everybody - Gather All the Bodies (still good)
14th - Berserker - Forever (really didn't like this, the vocals and the voice over it, meh)
15th - Firestorm - Earth Crisis (vocals sound lame and guitarwork is just ok)
16th Black Tongue - Coma (vocals sound lame, guitars are lame, meh)

I lined up to separate the stuff I liked from what I disliked

For the record I am Eastern Standard Time (-5 GMT). After midnight tonight (it's now technically the 27th) I will tally the votes, so until then you can edit and make changes if you want. Post your nominations for Round 3 whenever you're ready. At midnight tonight I won't accept any more votes for Round 2 or nominations for Round 3.

Edit: Guap, if you want you don't have to give any points to the stuff you didn't like. Of course that would also subtract 1 point from everything you did like. It's up to you.