
Anyone got any ideas on some potential 2014 oscar favorites?
I think Foxcatcher will be a big Oscar favorite. I can honestly see Carrell getting a Best Actor nomination, which would be awesome.

Pitt was so bad it was weird and Dano was showboating like crazy and should have been told to tone it down. The leads were all good, but some of the supporting actors I thought were pretty bad.
Interesting. I had no problems with the performance, I actually think 12 Years a Slave should've won Best Ensemble over American Hustle at the Golden Globes.

I agree that Dano is often over the top, but I'm a fan of his. He's a good actor.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Anyone got any ideas on some potential 2014 oscar favorites?
I'm terrible with that. I do know probably 70% of what I end up liking comes out the last few months of the year. Grand Budapest is sure to be the exception for me this year.

In real life, something about Jared Leto seems like he needs a good slapping. He is so... "look at me, I'm cutesy, I have long hair and I play in a rock band and girls are crazy about me."

But as an actor, I like him. I liked him in the movie Chapter 27. Some other roles of his, though... I have Prefontaine and couldn't get into it at the time. And I remember him in Urban Legend. Saw nothing special about it, but that was just a horror film.
I always remember him as his character in Requiem for a Dream.

I always remember him as his character in Requiem for a Dream.
I still haven't seen that.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah Pitt was pretty bad as well. I forgot about him. Four or Five were really great though, IMO.
Yeah, there were some great performances. Fassbender and the actor who won best supporting actress and the lead (I forget their names) were all superb.

I said this in another thread, but I think I would have preferred to see a movie where that movie ends.

Next years, my high hopes are on Gone Girl, Unbroken, Birdman, and Foxcatcher
There's also Boyhood and Inheritance Vice.

What in the world is Inheritance Vice? Every time I see that title, I think it's a sequel to that Miami Vice movie.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I always remember him as his character in Requiem for a Dream.
I forgot about that one. He was good in that too.

He will always be Jordan Catalono to me.

I still haven't seen that.
You should. I don't know if you'd like it. You might. But, I honestly think it's a movie every teenager should see. It will instantly keep them away from drugs forever. They should be showing that in schools.

Yeah, there were some great performances. Fassbender and the actor who won best supporting actress and the lead (I forget their names) were all superb.

I said this in another thread, but I think I would have preferred to see a movie where that movie ends.
Do you mean the movie didn't end, or you like the ending of the movie? I thought it had a good ending.

Godoggo, I tried to watch this movie you had on your favorites list -- Birdy, I think it's called. With Nicolas Cage.

That sounded interesting but I stopped watching after a half hour. I did skip to the end to see what happened.

What in the world is Inheritance Vice? Every time I see that title, I think it's a sequel to that Miami Vice movie.
Woops, I meant Inherent Vice, not Inheritance Vice. It's Paul Thomas Anderson's new film.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yeah, there were some great performances. Fassbender and the actor who won best supporting actress and the lead (I forget their names) were all superb.

I said this in another thread, but I think I would have preferred to see a movie where that movie ends.
I thought it was pretty great, the kind of thing that only comes along every few years. Not going to be one of my favorites but I am glad I saw it and it will stick with me.

Woops, I meant Inherent Vice, not Inheritance Vice. It's Paul Thomas Anderson's new film.
Oh, God. Forget I asked.

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Boyhood is going to get too much credit because it took 12 years to make for aging effects. And everyone will love it. Just seems like a gimmick to me.