True or False


Heck, no.

You like your coffee lukewarm?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

No. Not sure I even like ripe bananas.

You like lasagna?

Very true- split pea, chicken noodle, vegetable, cream of broccoli, mushroom. corn, and more- and soup season is a comin'

You play scrabble?

False. (Don't really know what cribbage is. )

You would rather travel on a vacation.than stay at home?

Trouble with a capital "T"
You would rather travel on a vacation.than stay at home?
It use to be true, but lately I like staying home too. But I'll say False as I do want to go another vacation.

The first thing you do in the morning (besides bathroom and eating) is to look at MoFo?

False. Coffee,coffee, coffee.
( although lately I ' m sometimes switching to decaf, but I still need coffee) Then I check the weather.

You ( or the cook in your family ) prefer to cook food in the oven instead of the microwave?

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
No, I don't. False.

You feel younger than your official age.

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
I'd spontaneously reply: "No, I don't."
Upon reflexion, I think I could have been a good father but I haven't felt the need to have kids yet. Only time will tell.

You've recently found quite an unexpected letter in your mailbox.

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
You've recently found quite an unexpected letter in your mailbox.

Let me see... No, this hasn't happened recently and even earlier. I can't remember any very unexpected letter right now... Maybe in a soon future? I'll let you know

You are true to yourself: true or false?

Although I think that is definitely true in some cases, I think we should not lose track of the golden rule.

You vote in most elections?

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
False (2000, 2004, 2008 only, even though I worked for Bernie Sanders, I thought phone-banking would have been more valuable than a single vote, but I would never discourage anyone from doing so)

Feels that the system won't improve?

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Feels that the system won't improve?

False: I think the system will improve in the end, after a planetary puking of it all followed by a seemingly endless collective hangover.

You haven't listened to music for an hour at least.