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Sad sweet movie. Two leads vey good.

Odd little movie apparently greatly improvised which makes it more interesting. Well-acted.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You were quite vocal about this film before. I thought you enjoyed discussing this stuff with people.

I discuss and disagree with people's arguments for why they do or don't like something. Not whether or not they simply like or dislike it, because I don't care about that. A distinction I made pretty clearly in my thread, where I was explaining why I thought it was shit.

(1932, Conway)

"Sally, I made up my mind a long time ago, I'm not gonna spend my whole life on the wrong side of the railroad tracks."

Red-Headed Woman follows Lil (Jean Harlow), a young woman that is willing to do anything to climb the corporate ladder. This includes seducing her married wealthy boss, his wealthier father, a well-known tycoon and client of the company, and his driver. Will all this be enough to get her on the "right" side of the tracks?

This was yet another film I saw as I was preparing for a podcast episode on Pre-Code films and this was certainly a pretty solid example of what Pre-Code is. You gotta love a film that presents a lead character that is reprehensible and not likable, and still sticks with her all the way. Lil is indeed unlikable, has no scruples, and her moral compass is out of whack, if non-existent; and still I found myself fascinated by her character.


Full review on my Movie Loot
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

2 out of 5. Some random free iptv channel movies. Mostly old us movies and series...

Pm me for link

Christine (2016)

Someone on this site mentioned this one awhile back, and I made sure to try and eventually watch it. It certainly captured the era well, as it's hard to believe this movie was made in 2016. I was uncomfortable watching this one, as Christine is such a different person than I am, but its a compelling film. One of the themes certainly rings true today in terms of bad news sells more than good news (several parts of this even reminded me of Nightcrawler a bit)
One of my guests in the podcast brought up this film a couple of months ago. Need to check it out.

If (2024)

Pretty dull and uninspired, I'm afraid. The character design of the Ifs is good, and it does manage to tug on a few heartstrings by the end, but overall it's a direct to TV sort of plot, with tired ideas borrowed from better movies (mostly by Pixar). All its best jokes are in the trailer.

Its most novel feature is its willingness to just be a standalone movie. No signs of any plans for sequels or metaverses. That's a rarity in kids movies these days.

Ryan Reynolds looked like he was trying to somehow mentally "will" himself out of the movie.


I forgot the opening line.

By The cover art can be obtained from Movieposterdb.com., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=34899234

They Got Me Covered - (1943)

One of the lesser Bob Hope comedies - most of the jokes are real groaners, and some made me feel bad for the cast. I watched Hope in My Favorite Brunette (1947), and I thought he was great in that. Maybe it was because Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour were being loaned out from Paramount to Samuel Goldwyn Productions. A dud director and screenwriters could pretty much spoil things. The story wasn't bad though - war-time espionage, which considering that the war was actually still raging is funny to consider. This has "formula" written all over it, with worn out gags - the actors try their best but mediocre writing and paint-by-numbers set-ups can only do so much. Hope plays Robert Kittredge - a journalist after a big scoop after getting into a mess by predicting that Germany would not attack Russia. Interesting but not funny enough.


By IMDB - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6164502/, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=55168829

November - (2017)

Absolutely crazy Estonian film involving greedy 19th Century peasants, werewolves, ghosts, and inanimate objects that have souls and talk. I loved it! Full review here, in my watchlist thread.


By Nordisk Film - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4173170...r/rm4033556992, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=56858061

The Eternal Road - (2017)

One Finnish man's struggle after he is kidnapped and ends up in the Soviet Union, forced to spy on American Finnish immigrants trying to realise a worker's paradise. It's a very nice looking real-life cinematic homage to those who lost their lives to Stalin's purges, but the main character is a bit of a bore, and his struggle sometimes feels half-hearted. Full review here, in my watchlist thread.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

(1976, May)

"I think that's the reason we're such good friends. Because we remember each other from when we were kids. Things that happened when we were kids that no one knows about but us. It's in our heads."

That angle is part of what's simmering in Elaine May's drama Mikey and Nicky. The film follows the titular characters (Peter Falk and John Cassavetes), two childhood friends and small-time mobsters that have to reconcile who they were with who they are now. When Nicky has a contract put on him for stealing money, he asks Mikey for help, which puts to the test how much of a friend are they and how much was in their heads.

Because, again, the burden of the film is on the lead's shoulders as they're on screen 95% of the time, and they carry it marvelously. The way that Falk and Cassavetes build this chemistry that makes you believe they're childhood friends, while also imbuing this tension about the true motivations of each of them is stellar. Mikey is a bit pitiful and pathetic, but is he a true friend or is he looking for some payback? Nicky is erratic and ultimately an a$$hole, but at the end of the day, is his paranoia unfounded?


Full review on my Movie Loot

Deathtrap -

This is a funny and witty thriller with more twists than fusilli that proves that nothing is more dangerous than repeated failure. Does having a string of flops make one psychotic? Sidney Bruhl (Caine) and Max Bialystock from The Producers must mean it does, but what's important is that the movie provides a satisfying insider's perspective into its impact beyond the box office. Caine succeeds at making Bruhl's resulting desperation, misery and bloodlust from his continued lack of a hit palpable, as does Dyan Cannon's anxiety-ridden wife for how she indicates the consequences of standing by such a man. The revelation here, though - at least for me since I've only seen him in Superman - is Reeve's aspiring playwright and would-be Bruhl protege. He's so good at making you wonder if he's the learner or the master, not to mention at providing many laughs in the process. Again, "twist" is the name of the game here, and I don't mean the Shyamalan variety. They're constant yet never tiresome, and as soon as I thought I could predict the next one, I was proven wrong.

If my review seems vague and incomplete so far, it's mostly because I don't want to spoil anything. I'll at least add without hopefully doing so that "meta" is thrown around so much lately that the word has nearly lost all meaning, but in this case, the descriptor fits and then some. Now that I've surely infuriated you with all these vagaries, I'll conclude by saying that the movie thrills, chills and made me laugh many times, which says a lot considering it mostly consists of three people in a room. Oh, and the movie earns points for being daring for its era, but once again, I won't reveal in what way.

Godzilla X Kong - The New Empire - (2024)

No joke, this movie gets crazier and crazier every ten minutes. The ending is Transformers levels of destruction and stuff flying all over the place.
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

Devil Girl From Mars (1954) Watched on Tubi. This is not as entertaining as it should be, but there are a couple fun moments. I liked the design of the spaceship and the robot. The alien woman is the best character and the film should have focused more on her. The other characters are boring. Despite the film's flaws, I would still go to Mars if a sexy alien lady asked me to.

Umpteenth Rewatch....This raunchy cult classic college hijinks comedy is still just as funny as it was 40 years ago. This movie still makes me laugh out. Love a pre-Roseanne John Goodman as the football coach and Curtis Armstrong as Booger, who steal every scene they're in.

Uncut Gems (IMAX presentation)

I was really bummed about watching Uncut Gems in a tiny theater screen back in December 2019 - to me, it felt like the movie deserved better. But with a bunch of big-budget franchise movies crowding out the bigger, better screens, it was pretty much out of the question.

Thank goodness, A24 is re-releasing some of their biggest hits in IMAX showings across North America, and this felt like the perfect opportunity to catch Uncut Gems the way I wish I could have watched it back in 2019 - in the biggest IMAX around.

This is exactly how moviegoers should have been able to watch it when it first opened in theaters, but they were all too busy buying tickets for the umpteenth Star Wars.

A movie that takes place in the big city deserves to be seen on the biggest screen.

For those who are interested in the A24 IMAX re-releases, the next one on the schedule is the Director's Cut of Midsommar, which runs almost 3 hours. It will be shown in IMAX in mid-June.

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(1976, May)

That angle is part of what's simmering in Elaine May's drama Mikey and Nicky. The film follows the titular characters (Peter Falk and John Cassavetes), two childhood friends and small-time mobsters that have to reconcile who they were with who they are now. When Nicky has a contract put on him for stealing money, he asks Mikey for help, which puts to the test how much of a friend are they and how much was in their heads.

Because, again, the burden of the film is on the lead's shoulders as they're on screen 95% of the time, and they carry it marvelously. The way that Falk and Cassavetes build this chemistry that makes you believe they're childhood friends, while also imbuing this tension about the true motivations of each of them is stellar. Mikey is a bit pitiful and pathetic, but is he a true friend or is he looking for some payback? Nicky is erratic and ultimately an a$$hole, but at the end of the day, is his paranoia unfounded?


Full review on my Movie Loot

Glad you saw this! It's one of a handful I mention, mostly because it's a 10/10 but not very popular.. One of a few movies where I actually found humorous, as tragic as it is.. A lot of this was improvised, especially the cemetery scene, which I saw yesterday, ironically enough. I had them on my "Watch Later" and saw it was recommended (behind the scenes stuff).

If anyone wants to check it out, it's free - see it before it's taken down!

Glad you saw this! It's one of a handful I mention, mostly because it's a 10/10 but not very popular.. One of a few movies where I actually found humorous, as tragic as it is.. A lot of this was improvised, especially the cemetery scene, which I saw yesterday, ironically enough. I had them on my "Watch Later" and saw it was recommended (behind the scenes stuff).

If anyone wants to check it out, it's free - see it before it's taken down!

Yeah, I see potential for my rating to go up on this. Only time will tell.

Uncut Gems (IMAX presentation)

I was really bummed about watching Uncut Gems in a tiny theater screen back in December 2019 - to me, it felt like the movie deserved better. But with a bunch of big-budget franchise movies crowding out the bigger, better screens, it was pretty much out of the question.

Thank goodness, A24 is re-releasing some of their biggest hits in IMAX showings across North America, and this felt like the perfect opportunity to catch Uncut Gems the way I wish I could have watched it back in 2019 - in the biggest IMAX around.

This is exactly how moviegoers should have been able to watch it when it first opened in theaters, but they were all too busy buying tickets for the umpteenth Star Wars.

A movie that takes place in the big city deserves to be seen on the biggest screen.

For those who are interested in the A24 IMAX re-releases, the next one on the schedule is the Director's Cut of Midsommar, which runs almost 3 hours. It will be shown in IMAX in mid-June.
Uncut Gems is a fantastic movie.