28th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
So like only 6 films so far...But I do have MovieGal's nom and it's a good one! I think PahaK would like it so I hope he joins. Hopefully Cosmic settles on a nom and joins our motley crew...

Anyone else can join in for the next 7 days (until May 9th) and don't let the pirate theme throw you, that was me just having a bit of fun... we have some serious films here!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Pretty eclectic.
Haven't heard of any of these so they'll all be brand new experiences for me. Even my film, Young Man With a Horn is a Blind-Watch from my Movie Challenge Watchlist.

THANKS Cap'n!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I haven't seen any of the films but Rams, which I enjoyed.

Now, I just need to lookup the synopsis of the other films to decide of I want to join and which film to nominate.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Pretty eclectic.
Haven't heard of any of these so they'll all be brand new experiences for me. Even my film, Young Man With a Horn is a Blind-Watch from my Movie Challenge Watchlist.

THANKS Cap'n!!
I've seen Young Man With a Horn twice before, really liked it too. Other than that and my nom I haven't even heard of these.

We got Hidden Gems!!! for sure.

An interesting and diverse bounty of nominations. Perhaps some hidden treasures await us? I haven't seen any of them except for my nomination, but they all sound intriguing. The Naughty Navigator is pleased and will not try to sword fight any of his mateys.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I got links for everything, free links cause we're pirates! And they got English subs too...Only Cuties is in English, I couldn't find a French language/English sub version of it. If you got a link your Cap'n will show his appreciation with another round of rum!

Six out of seven are yes. So I guess I'm in so far.

Still need to see what the others nominate and CR, I'm in with my first pick.

I got links for everything, free links cause we're pirates! And they got English subs too...Only Cuties is in English, I couldn't find a French language/English sub version of it. If you got a link your Cap'n will show his appreciation with another round of rum!
Cuties is available on Netflix in French with English subs.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Six out of seven are yes. So I guess I'm in so far.

Still need to see what the others nominate and CR, I'm in with my first pick.
I watched a bit of your first pick and people are going to like it, the cinematography and the atmosphere is amazing.

I watched a bit of your first pick and people are going to like it, the cinematography and the atmosphere is amazing.
All three were good choices. Actually all 6 I had were good