Best Picture Oscar 2019


Which gets your vote for Best Picture of the year?
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@Holden Pike Hey bucko... don't think I didn't notice you put snubbed in quotations there, pal. You know it was snubbed as do I.

I totally forgot about that popular movie category. That's what they're doing now. That's why there's some wackier choices from year to year now too. Weren't they also trying to have an animated film on the Best Picture list every year there for a minute as well? Been too busy the last few years and I've really lost touch I reckon. Thanks for the refresher.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Not making a point but just saying the three Latin directors who won the last 4/5 Best Director Oscars happen to be the Three Amigos! Del Toro, Cauron and Inarritu are super close friends and a trio basically.

That has nothing to do with anything except that directors being buddies is the coolest thing ever.

4 out of the last 5 director winners have been Latin...that's a little worrisome.
It's really not, because Cuaron, Inarritu and del Toro truly are some of the most talented (mainstream) directors who are working today. It's obviously not identity politics. They just happen to be making some of the greatest films during the last couple of years. That's not worrisome at all. It's great!

Black Panther's nomination is much more worrisome, because it's obviously just based on identity politics. Practically all the positive reviews of it talk exclusively about its importance as the first black mainstream big budget film. That's why people in the Hollywood environment feel obligated to honor the film, even though there are probably a ton of much better films (even in its own, for some reason, massively popular superhero genre) that don't get this kind of honor, simply because they're not seen as "culturally important". They're judging based on politics instead of the quality of the art, and that's what's really problematic. This is not the case with our three great Mexican directors getting honored.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'm slightly surprised that Bohemian Rhapsody is on this list. It's a good lead performance in a moderately entertaining, sometimes amusing but not terribly inspiring film. The concert scene is very good, but not enough to make up for the clichés, poor writing and general middle of the road biopic nature of the film as a whole. I can't believe this and Black Panther really represent the best of filmmaking in 2018.

Is it just me, or are this year's nominations particularly more terrible than the usual. Oh well.
It certainly seems that way.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Is it just me, or are this year's nominations particularly more terrible than the usual. Oh well.
Maybe there just weren't any better films...

Maybe there just weren't any better films...
First Reformed, Eighth Grade and Annihilation were all good films that got snubbed pretty hard.

movies can be okay...
Is it just me, or are this year's nominations particularly more terrible than the usual. Oh well.
Maybe there just weren't any better films...
I'd say each year is equally filled with as many greats as the next one. I've always known that the Oscars don't even try to look for the "best" films of the year, but on this occasion, it feels more blatant than ever.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Lanthimos gets a nom, never thought I would see that day. Lee gets one, definitely more popular with cinephiles than the average movie goer. A arthouse black and white foreign language film gets a nom. I don't love everything here but definitely surprised at how everyone is reacting.

movies can be okay...
Lanthimos gets a nom, never thought I would see that day. Lee gets one, definitely more popular with cinephiles than the average movie goer. A arthouse black and white foreign language film gets a nom. I don't love everything here but definitely surprised at how everyone is reacting.
The only three worth mentioning , if you ask me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The only three worth mentioning , if you ask me.
And my mom was thrilled about Green Book and Star Is Born. Box Office tells me there will be more than a few happy Marvel fans that one of their films broke throigh.

I sound like a broken record, these aren't my eighf favorite films, but the goal of the academy has been to get more diverse and this is maybe the broadest selection of films I have seen. Feels like there is a range here.

I'm waiting for the moment where they announce Black Panther as the winner and all of our jaws drop. There's a reason the Academy decided to add a new category this year for most popular film, and then decided to go away with it. Maybe they will vote the popular film of the year (I personally believe it's an overrated film and not worthy of a nomination to begin with) as the winner just to get a kick out of it and make the Oscars look cool to draw a bigger audience. This is just a theory. What are your thoughts?
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

Welcome to the human race...
I suppose it's always possible, but I don't think it's that likely. Maybe they'll deliberately avoid voting for it simply to avoid looking like they're overdoing their decision to acknowledge the genre.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I'm waiting for the moment where they announce Black Panther as the winner and all of our jaws drop. There's a reason the Academy decided to add a new category this year for most popular film, and then decided to go away with it. Maybe they will vote the popular film of the year (I personally believe it's an overrated film and not worthy of a nomination to begin with) as the winner just to get a kick out of it and make the Oscars look cool to draw a bigger audience. This is just a theory. What are your thoughts?
No chance it will win, just on the list to score political points.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I haven't seen Bohemian Rhapsody and Vice but I haven't heard many raving things about either. BlackKklansman is something that looks up my alley. The other five varied from good to meh with nothing great. Seems like the weakest year this decade perhaps.

Welcome to the human race...
Green Book's the only one I haven't seen yet (it only just came out here) but, like others have noted, most of what I've heard about it doesn't inspire much confidence.

As for which nominee I consider the strongest, probably Roma, and even then I have enough reservations about it that I don't think it's overly great.

No chance it will win, just on the list to score political points.
If it wins, it will be the most talked about Oscar winning movie for years and years to come, both favorably and unfavorably. In my case, definitely unfavorably. Speaking of scoring political points, all the movies that have won or were nominated for Best Picture for the most part were for gaining political points and/or pushing Hollywood's liberal agenda.