Formal Introduction


Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus

Glad you're here, Little Devil...make yourself at home.
Thank you
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Welcome! Cool at sounds like we might have some things in common. We're from the same age group and I live on the coast, the west coast in Washington State.
As long as it's not California. I've long felt Gene Hackman had it right in Superman.

"Love old movies, especially old sci-fi/horror." Cool, we could use another fan of old movies. I love the old classics and sci fi too. And hey a fan of Whit Bissell, cool! Have you seen The Time Tunnel TV series from the 60s?
Seen it? I own the DVDs (although, honestly, probably not my wisest purchase. There's a cheese limit that Time Tunnel exceeds BIG TIME).

"atomically grown insects"...

Hope you stick around! It takes awhile to get use to the layout at MoFo, it took me several months until it felt like home, now it is my home
Since it took me a bit to figure out what MoFo meant (d'uh), it may take me a while. But so far, I'm liking what I'm seeing here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Seen it? I own the DVDs (although, honestly, probably not my wisest purchase. There's a cheese limit that Time Tunnel exceeds BIG TIME).
Ha...but there's always lovely Lee Meriwether to look at.

She looks quite pensive there. I guess she's wondering if Tony and Doug will be back before she gets through reading her giant orange book.

Did you know there was a unaired TV pilot show of a Time Tunnel remake? If you watch even just the opening credits, you'll see there's one huge difference between this remake and the original show.