Silent Film Era Hall of Fame


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken

I figured that since it is now past 11:59, and I am still up, I might as well get it done.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Nice stuff. I've seen Sherlock, obviously, as well as Sunrise and Nosferatu. All three of those would be in my all-time top 100 films. Looking forward to seeing the others!

Care for some gopher?
Great. Besides my nomination i've seen only two of the other movies (Nosferatu and Sherlock, Jr.). Both King Vidor flicks i haven't even heard of.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's 11:07 here and just about time for me to hit the hay. But before I do, I want to say Yahoo! I'm excited about those noms!

Wings (William A. Wellman, 1927)
Nominated by Citizen Rules
I like it, hope you guys do too.

Orphans of the Storm (D.W. Griffith, 1921)
Nominated by Beatle
I came oh so close to nominating this one myself. So happy to see it here.

The Big Parade (King Vidor, 1925)
Nominated by SilentVamp
I've been looking forward to watching this one for a long time.

Sherlock, Jr. (Buster Keaton, 1924)
Nominated by Swan
I've seen it and really liked it. Buster Keaton is the man!

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (F.W. Murnau, 1927)
Nominated by Rauldc
Never seen it, but I've sure heard about it. Happy to see it here.

Diary of a Lost Girl (G. W. Pabst, 1929)
Nominated by Mäx
I was thinking about a Louise Brooks movie, and this was one of them, the other was Pandora's Box. But ultimately I went with a movie from the other flapper, Clara Bow.

Nosferatu (F. W. Murnau, 1922)
Nominated by Destiny
I've wanted to see this one for a long time, glad you nominated it.

The Crowd (King Vidor, 1928)
Nominated by cricket
This one is a totally mystery to me?

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I accidentally forgot to post the deadline at the bottom of the list as I said I was going to do. It is posted now, but I will tell you here, also, that it is Saturday, October 15th.

I have seen all of the nominations, except I am a little unsure about "Diary of a Lost Girl". I think I've seen it, but I am not 100% positive. And I have seen parts of "Orphans of the Storm".

Well, Swan, you got your "Sherlock, Jr." in. And I got my "The Big Parade" in. I have been wanting to get that nominated in something. And I have been patiently waiting for this to happen so that I could finally nominate it.

Care for some gopher?
Found all movies on youtube except for "Wings" and both King Vidor movies.

Was able to find all on Netflix (DVD) except the King Vidor ones. Anyone know where we can find those?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
A side-note from somebody who never joined any HoF: Seen 'em all except for Orphans of the Storm. I'm waiting for a better quality release of this one.

Enjoy your HoF!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Ah, looked for the King Vidor ones since they're the only ones I require, but didn't see anything unfortunately.

I first tried nominating Diary of a Lost Girl but it had already been chosen.

I've only seen Sherlock Jr. (fairly recently) and Nosferatu (many years ago). I sold a bunch of DVDs recently and Nosferatu happened to be one of them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If you guys check out different links/sources for the movies and you notice one is much better quality than the other, please let us know. Sometimes it can be hard to find a decent copy of a silent movie. I'm off to obtain these noms right now. Excellent choices everybody.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I would hate for my movie to be the one that people can't watch.

There are sites that are supposedly showing "The Big Parade" for free. But I can't see how well they work or anything. Since I got that virus last year the security program that I have won't even let me play anything. Seriously. I've tried every link I've found and I am just completely blocked. So, Swan, or Max, if you don't have any problem watching from those sites, let me know, and I can give you the links that I have found.

I own two of these films, and the rest I can get from my library. I am actually really surprised that Netflix doesn't have those Vidor films. I will start these after I finish the Noir, which will be this week.

Well, anyway, you guys let me know about ever having trouble with streaming films for free, and then I will give you those links and you can see how they work for you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have a link for The Crowd
I need it

I could use hot tips on good quality links for:

Sunrise A Song of Two Humans (F.W.Murnau,1927)
Diary of a Lost Girl (G. W. Pabst, 1929)

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I'll be honest and say that when I was looking my movie up to see if others could watch it, I saw it was available on Google Play, and that was all I needed to see. I watched a couple of movies for HoF's that way, and that was all that I was thinking about. Sorry!

But I was looking at this one site that was listing different ways to watch movies and "Wings" is on itunes for $13.99! Basically $14?! WHY??? I think there were some other sites that were only charging like $2.99. That makes NO sense!

The only one i've seen is Wings, i didn't like it at the time but it was my first silent film think i'd like it more now. It used to be on Netflix UK, not sure if it is anymore though and i don't think any of you are from the UK anyway.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Hey, Camo!

You should help us out with the links to a couple of those movies. I can't see if they work, but maybe you could. Please.