SilentVamp's Top 50 Songs of The Beatles


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
28. Ticket to Ride
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
27. From Me To You

I actually am a really big fan of early Beatles. And this is one of their best.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
26. I'm A Loser

I love the melody (especially the refrain) and I love the lyrics to this one.

I only wanted to use the album versions of these songs and this was the only video that I could find with it. All the others seem to be the different takes of it or live versions (and I really don't need their screams to interrupt such a great song).

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Indeed. It's Ringo's finest drumming moment.
Even Ringo thought so. He said something along the lines of being very good and then there was "Rain". He put his own performance in that song above all the rest.

Can i do my list? It will be almost all John...
You've already started yours so I don't think my opinion would matter now.

Well, I have quite a bit more of John to put on my list. I wonder how many of them will be the same.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I just realized something. I am already at the halfway point. I said that I wanted to post 2 songs a day, but I got a little carried away with some of those days and posted a few more than 2.

Anyway, as this is the halfway point, I wanted to add extra music to this list. This is from the Cirque du Soleil show "Love". It was my favorite bit of music to come from it.

First of all, 3 good songs in one track. Second, I absolutely love the seamless transition from one song to the other. Third, I decided to add this song into the countdown. Not as having an "official" spot, but as a bonus.

As for the show "Love", I have never seen it. I have never even been to Las Vegas. I was seriously planning on going, though. I had 2 reasons for why I wanted to go. One was to see "Love" and the other was to see "The Phantom of the Opera". I was willing to make the drive all the way there specifically for those two things (I much prefer to drive rather than bother with any airports). But "Phantom" closed. And I just can't get myself to save up the money for a trip out there to see one show.

All I can do is hope (as of right now - I might still attempt Vegas at some point) that Cirque decides to someday create a touring show. I know that "Love" was specifically created for Las Vegas, but I would be OK with a much more scaled down version of the show. Just as long as I get to see something like it.

One more thing. When I first bought the CD (when it first came out), I thought it was the best thing that I'd heard in years. Yes, it was music that I was very familiar with. But with what George and Giles Martin did with their music, it was like an altogether new experience with the songs. And I was obsessed with it for months. I don't know if a casual Beatles fan would like this, but I can't see how a die hard fan wouldn't love it.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
22. The Ballad of John and Yoko

I thoroughly enjoy this song in every way, but I suppose I also quite like it because it is all Paul and John.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
21. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

I am sure someone out there doesn't like this song, but I find that impossible to do. A person has to like it, if for no other reason, for the beat alone. It has a great beat.

What I like about this particular video is that it also includes the reprise of the song. I almost like it a little bit better than the first version.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I like the song "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", but I didn't care much for the movie.
Who did?

Although I am sure someone out there did!

I do have the soundtrack, though. I won't deny it.

Ah I'm enjoying your list SV
The early ones are really taking me back to when we were kids and my mum used to buy Beatles singles in the Epstein family shop NEMS when we went to town. We used to come home and dance to them (and we used to use them as frisbees when they got old and scratched but my mum went mad at that )
Favourites of your last page are- If I Fell, Please Please Me, From Me To You , Ticket to Ride and one of my mum's favourites This Boy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So many great Beatles songs here! I like them all, but these four I especially like.
31. Hello Goodbye
30. We Can Work It Out
28. Ticket to Ride
21. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
19. If I Needed Someone

I know George is poorly represented on here. I just haven't mentioned him enough. This is only his third song (his second composition). But it is a damn good one! There is NO way this would ever not be on a list of mine. And he will be mentioned again on this list.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
18. Good Day Sunshine

Every now and then a "chipper" song like this needs to be included in a list like this.