Neill Blomkamp to direct Alien sequel (Alien: Covenant)


I'd happily see Alien 3 struck from the records. I hated it at the cinema, and have re-evaluated it on dvd many times (both the theatrical and director's cut) to no avail. Fox (not Fincher) ruined the franchise after Cameron's film. I've come to the conclusion that Alien 3 would have worked better as an unrelated standalone piece with a different title and different characters - but of course that wouldn't have been good business. It's a good movie, it's just not a good Alien movie.

By killing Hicks and Newt off screen the writers undermined a lot of what the second film stood for. Instead we got a dingy misery trip with the only interesting character (played by Charles Dance) bumped off early; leaving us with a bunch of shaven headed convicts making it impossible to differentiate between characters, i.e. the complete antithesis of Cameron and Scott's films. The below image is so thrilling and sad at the same time because Weaver and Biehn are now too old to reprise their roles convincingly in my opinion. What a shame Blomkamp and some like minded execs weren't around back in the early nineties.

I agree totally, they shouldn t have killed off hicks, and newt aliens should have had a better premise for a sequel than alien 3, it should have had a different story with hicks and weaver available around.

Welcome to the human race...
Alien: Reloaded
Alien: Apocalypse
Alien: Gaiden
Alien: Hypercube
Alien: Tokyo Drift
Alien: The Quickening
Alien: Electric Boogaloo
Alien: Life and Death of a Serial Killer
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Alien: Tokyo Drift
Alien: The Quickening
Alien: Electric Boogaloo
Alien: Life and Death of a Serial Killer
Alien: Killing Birds
Alien: First Blood Part 2
Alien: Age of Ultron
Alien: The First Movie

Alien: The Quickening

Without a doubt the best in the series.