
Goodbye February. You totally sucked!

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

hopefully march will be a good month!
Yesterday was brutal. The wind chill due to fierce winds was so horrible. Yes, spring is just around the corner, but March in New England can be horrible. We easily can have more snow.

Thank God for these things.

Yesterday was brutal. The wind chill due to fierce winds was so horrible. Yes, spring is just around the corner, but March in New England can be horrible. We easily can have more snow.

Thank God for these things.

damn hopefully theres no snow storm there D= here its almost autumn the month of the flus ugh

damn hopefully theres no snow storm there D= here its almost autumn the month of the flus ugh
Studies show that - due to COVID? - there is almost no flu this year. I can attest that, thus far, at least, I have avoided the horrible flu this winter. Always puts me out of commish for a week even with a flu shot.

Studies show that - due to COVID? - there is almost no flu this year. I can attest that, thus far, at least, I have avoided the horrible flu this winter. Always puts me out of commish for a week even with a flu shot.
its safe here from covid its back to normal here in australia.
last time i had flu was last yr last winter ugh.
damn that sucks, i need to get flu shot

Studies show that - due to COVID? - there is almost no flu this year. I can attest that, thus far, at least, I have avoided the horrible flu this winter. Always puts me out of commish for a week even with a flu shot.
That's because they're counting everything as Covid including the flu.
It's all political and I could explain it... but we're not supposed to talk about politics.

Yesterday was brutal. The wind chill due to fierce winds was so horrible. Yes, spring is just around the corner, but March in New England can be horrible. We easily can have more snow.

Thank God for these things.

I'm out the door by 4:35am. Usually it gets better when the sun comes up but it didn't feel like it this time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Studies show that - due to COVID? - there is almost no flu this year. I can attest that, thus far, at least, I have avoided the horrible flu this winter. Always puts me out of commish for a week even with a flu shot.
I can attest to it too. I use to catch a cold or mild flu every couple months. But for the last year since I started wearing a mask and keeping my hands clean & out of my face, I haven't had a cold or flu. It's because of prevention.

Can somebody - anybody - tell me how to boil eggs?

No matter what level of water I use, what kind of pan, how much boiling time, how much resting time - I can never get all the shells off. If I boil 6 eggs, 3 will be ruined because the shelling pulls off the whites.

Please please HELP.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Can somebody - anybody - tell me how to boil eggs?

No matter what level of water I use, what kind of pan, how much boiling time, how much resting time - I can never get all the shells off. If I boil 6 eggs, 3 will be ruined because the shelling pulls off the whites.

Please please HELP.

Try searching Google and YouTube for help.

I'm not the cook in our house, (and Hubby is sleeping right now, so I can't ask him), but when he was having the same problem of the shells sticking to the eggs when he tried to peel them, he Googled it, and watched several YouTube videos about it. He must have figured something out because he's been able to make perfect hard-boiled eggs that peel easily almost every time.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Can somebody - anybody - tell me how to boil eggs?

No matter what level of water I use, what kind of pan, how much boiling time, how much resting time - I can never get all the shells off. If I boil 6 eggs, 3 will be ruined because the shelling pulls off the whites.

Please please HELP.
Don't quote me on any of this, but I heard that adding vinegar or salt to the water might help with the peeling (but I might be confusing this with something else).

I think you only boil them about 5 minutes, the turn off the flame, then let them sit in the hot water about 12 minutes. I also seem to remember reading that refrigerating them for a couple hours after removing them from the hot water will also help the shells come off better.

Don't quote me on any of this, but I heard that adding vinegar or salt to the water might help with the peeling (but I might be confusing this with something else).

I think you only boil them about 5 minutes, the turn off the flame, then let them sit in the hot water about 12 minutes. I also seem to remember reading that refrigerating them for a couple hours after removing them from the hot water will also help the shells come off better.
After the eggs have hardened in the boiling water, simply drop them into a bowl of cold water. That separates the shell from the egg.

Try searching Google and YouTube for help.

I'm not the cook in our house, (and Hubby is sleeping right now, so I can't ask him), but when he was having the same problem of the shells sticking to the eggs when he tried to peel them, he Googled it, and watched several YouTube videos about it. He must have figured something out because he's been able to make perfect hard-boiled eggs that peel easily almost every time.
Googled the subject to death already.

Please please ask your husband for me.

Don't quote me on any of this, but I heard that adding vinegar or salt to the water might help with the peeling (but I might be confusing this with something else).

I think you only boil them about 5 minutes, the turn off the flame, then let them sit in the hot water about 12 minutes. I also seem to remember reading that refrigerating them for a couple hours after removing them from the hot water will also help the shells come off better.
I think you bring them to a boil & then remove from heat. 12 minutes is exactly what I’m doing.

After the eggs have hardened in the boiling water, simply drop them into a bowl of cold water. That separates the shell from the egg.
Maybe I have been trying to shell them too soon. Will wait a little longer in the cold water. Someone said gently roll them before peeling.

Thanks everyone so far.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
lol. I'd read something about the age of the egg can be a factor too. I just can't remember if you need older eggs or newer. The comment was to buy two cartons. One for regular cooking and one just for boiling, after keeping it in the fridge a bit longer. Like a week longer. Who knows. The common idea I'm seeing is to chill them in ice water after. I SWEAR I once read to either cook them either with the boil or to drop them INTO the boil. Hell if I know. It's danged sasquatch at this point for me.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

He's usually asleep before I log in here at night, but I'll try to remember to ask him tomorrow.
good thing to remember is to write it on the hand or phone that what i do

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
good thing to remember is to write it on the hand or phone that what i do

I put a Kinder Joy Egg on his desk as a reminder. Hopefully he'll see it tomorrow and ask me about it, and that will remind me to ask him about how to boil eggs. (Even if he eats it, he'll still probably ask me why I left it for him, so it should still work as a reminder. )