

Just had to post this cause I thought the make up on Brian Austin Green is kinda cool

Check Out Brian Austin Green As Metallo on Smallville

Today TV Guide nabbed a first look at Brian Austin Green as Superman foe Metallo, a role he’ll play in a two-part arc during the Season 9 premiere of Smallville this fall (Photo below).

Green will play John Corben, in this version of the character a Daily Planet reporter who becomes Metallo after suffering a terrible accident, only to be saved by a kryptonite heart implanted by a “Frankenstein-esque” (Lex Luthor?) benefactor who the show’s producers are reluctant to reveal. Guess you’ll have to tune and find out!

Apparently, what you see above is just the FIRST version of Metallo. Later on he’ll be getting, as Smallville producer Kelly Souders said, “sleeker.”

For the full report on just how much we’ll be seeing of Metallo druing Smallville’s upcoming season, check out TV Guide.

Smallville Season 9 premieres on September 25th @ 8/7c on the CW.

Source: TV Guide via Screenrant

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Holy damn!
Was last night's season finale ever good!

This is the way they should have always been turning out episodes.
Definitely rate this one up there with the JLA, Legion, and JSA episodes.

The sneak peek into 2013 was fantastic. I could see a Metropolis series from that scene.
And in the globe's reflection there was definitely a costume clad Superman underneath that plane carrying it to safety.

(Not a great shot but it's there)

The Kandorian invasion was handled really well considering the TV budget but at least they did spend some money on it.
We actually got to see some of the global destruction instead of hearing about it.

Also loved the JLA/JSA cameos.
It was a great idea having them all appear on the Watchtower monitors interacting with each other. I always hated when they would only mention the others but we'd never see them. And it is obviously cheaper to have the actors read their lines from elsewhere than show up at the studio in full costume.

A couple things were hinted at in this episode as well as in a few recent episodes.
"The coming Apokolips" we keep hearing about...
I knew J'onn and Waller weren't talking about Clark's people.

Ollie's ominous last words when he was attacked by super-powered people while trying to bring the JLA satellite online, "Chloe, they aren't Kandorians!"

Also, that mysterious old woman who tended to the dying body of Tess.
Could Granny Goodness be recruiting a new Female Fury?

If we are getting Darkseid for season 10, I will lose my mind.
Looking forward to it.
Fear the Probe!


I've not hated this season, after last i've liked the tone they've struck and moved away from some the awful mid season hammy rip offs. Was a bit iffy on Zod tho and they seemed to be getting a bit ridiculous towards the end with Checkmate and throwing 100s random 'head' guys around

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Holy damn!
Was last night's season finale ever good!

This is the way they should have always been turning out episodes.
Definitely rate this one up there with the JLA, Legion, and JSA episodes.

What's Curly Howard and Sara Palin doing on Smallville?

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I've started watching this show recently, but it's pretty good so far.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."