Am I the only one who views people's avatar as them?


I know this sounds weird, but when I see or am talking to anyone on these boards, I sort of picture them looking like the person in their picture for some long as it's a human. Even when someone changes their pic, I then identify them as the new pic. That's why some of the people that have girls, actresses, etc. for a pic, I thought were girls at first. Weird, huh?
You're going to love this face!

I am the "them" pictured in my Avatar.

Apple Valley, CA

I know this sounds weird, but when I see or am talking to anyone on these boards, I sort of picture them looking like the person in their picture for some long as it's a human. Even when someone changes their pic, I then identify them as the new pic. That's why some of the people that have girls, actresses, etc. for a pic, I thought were girls at first. Weird, huh?
I don't think it's weird at all. People's avatar is always somewhat of an extension of who they are and what they are like. Sometimes it is more literal and sometimes not at all, but it is rarely completely randomly selected in what I have learned.
“There's no place to hide, When you're lit from the inside” Roisin Murphy

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I definitely see Camo as sweet sweet Idris elba, even when he's slapping me around

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I think their should be a male/female distinction on everyone's profiles to clear up confusion.
This is the internet. We can be whoever you want us to be. I definitely see you as The Steve.

Peeps, please listen - my avatar is not a wombat. My avatar is a very cute, smiley, photo bombing Quokka. aka a midget kangaroo.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
One of these days, I will change mine, but I'm so locked into it that it will be hard to do.
I love yours.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've had a bunch of different Orson avatars, some look too serious, some are more fun. I save them all and now that we have new people here, I can recycle them and use the pics over again

You can't win an argument just by being right!
When I change it will probably be to Auntie Mame. For now the quokka I thought was the best avatar for a refugee because she's smiley and non threatening (but she might have a few live grenades in her pouch for fun or protection down the track). Auntie Mame, however, suits me because 1. I have short curly hair and 2. I am a super cool auntie to my nieces and nephews. And I always said when I finally grow up I want to be eccentric.

One of these days, I will change mine, but I'm so locked into it that it will be hard to do.
I want to change mine to an animated gif really bad, but I am keeping it for now since it is the same as it was on IMDB and I hope a few refugees might find a familiar face. I will keep it for a week or two.