Your Thoughts on Musicals


I absolutely love Rocky Horror Picture Show, NIghtmare Before Christmas, Singin' in the Rain, Chicago, Moulin Rouge, and Sweeny Todd.

Musicals CAN be good. But there are some really awful ones....

Like Rent...

And on the subject of good musicals I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the old 70's version of Fame. I love that film.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I genuinely enjoy musicals. I've seen Little Shop of Horrors countless times since i was little, and Sweeney Todd is one of my favorite movies. I also grew up watching West Side Story and Sound of Music. I love the unreality of it all, that one person can start singing, and then everyone around them, despite having never heard the song before, can just jump right in. After seeing Rent, I was a tad bit disappointed that NYC is not full of musical numbers for me to join in. (Though the Broadway version of Rent crushes the movie like a grape, I still like the film.)
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

If they were all like Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. I'd watch them. I'd watch all of them. Forever.

I like musicals... whether it be watching them as a movie or seeing one on broadway. In highschool I was IN the school musicals all four years as well as varsity showchoir so music, vocal especially, is very important part of me life-thus important to me. It all has to do with the believability of the characters and their emotion.
THE SOUND OF MUSIC is so good to me, everyone played their part perfectly. Some others, new and old, that I like:
There are more but those are the immediates that pop into mind. Other than those, I love DISNEY--their songs are so catchy!
I, too, have always liked musicals, but, unfortunately, most musicals, with rare exceptions, lose their "kick" when transferred from stage to screen.

These exceptions are:

West Side Story'

Wizard of Oz

Sound of Music'

"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

I genuinely enjoy musicals. I've seen Little Shop of Horrors countless times since i was little, and Sweeney Todd is one of my favorite movies. I also grew up watching West Side Story and Sound of Music. I love the unreality of it all, that one person can start singing, and then everyone around them, despite having never heard the song before, can just jump right in.
I love that as well. It's pure fantasy and yet it works. Perhaps some people are unwilling to stretch their imagination.

"Do you know what 'Nemesis' means?"
Got to say I agree with the above; far too few spontaneous song & dance routines in everyday life.

Maybe I'll have to buck the trend in the office today

They don't interest me

Thoughts on musicals?...hmmmm...hmmmm...
When I was seven, my grandmother had an epiphany: she was going to teach me piano. After I broke three of the keys, my grandma realized that I wasn't going to be Mozart and I forever stopped thinking about music and musicals.

Registered User
Usually I'm bored of them - it depends on the story and the music.
I love Chicago, because it's a spicy movie with great songs - I listen to "All that jazz" and "Cell block tango" every now and then.
Moulin Rouge has fabulous music, but I doubt I'll ever watch it because it's melodramatic.
Sweeny Todd made very little impression on me.

I want to watch Nine with Daniel Day Lewis sometime.

Usually I'm bored of them - it depends on the story and the music.
I love Chicago, because it's a spicy movie with great songs - I listen to "All that jazz" and "Cell block tango" every now and then.
I recommend Cabaret:

Registered User
Thanks, I will check it out!

A musical is like any other genre of film, it has some good and some bad. In very recent years unfortunately the majority of musicals have been pretty bad.
Good point, PeterVincent. I, too have always loved musicals, although I agree that the more recent ones have been rather awful. With rare exceptions, however, most musicals seem to lose their "kick" once they've been transferred from stage to screen, imo.

Here are some exceptions, however:

West Side Story


My Fair Lady


I absolutely love Rocky Horror Picture Show, NIghtmare Before Christmas, Singin' in the Rain, Chicago, Moulin Rouge, and Sweeny Todd.

Musicals CAN be good. But there are some really awful ones....

Like Rent...

And on the subject of good musicals I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the old 70's version of Fame. I love that film.
Although I never saw Sweeney Todd on stage, I've viewed it on screen, and thought it was quite good. Ditto for Nightmare Before Christmas.

I saw Godspell on stage, but I thought the movie version was awful.

West Side Story, imho, is beautiful, both on stage and screen (in fact, it's my all time favorite movie, hands down!), although I didn't think that the more updated Broadway stage revival of WSS was quite as good as the original stage version, which I've seen several times.

Btw, I never saw Fame, so I can't compare it with anything.