The Top 100 Movie Stars Countdown


Trouble with a capital "T"
Captain, good choices on your list....but no actresses? Not even one?
I'm either a sexist or a closet homosexual. Or both. Maybe that explains why I get an erection every time SC bathes me. Or why I allow SC to bathe me at all.

There are many actresses whom I admire -- Winona Ryder, Natalie Wood, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman, Meryl Streep, etc. -- but unlike the people who made my list, I won't seek out a movie solely for their involvement.

If we're talking nude scenes, however, that's a different story. Amy Adams does full-frontal in her next film? Rachel McAdams performs a NC-17-rated sex scene? Emma Watson re-enacts the upskirt scene from Basic Instinct? I'm buying movie tickets months in advance.
Capt, I hope you don't think I was poking fun at your list, I wasn't.
I was just surprised to see a list with no actresses. Same if someone turned in a list with no actors.
My apologize if my post wasn't clear.

BTW, Depp is awesome. I said this on my review of Dead Man:

"I like Depp. He's good in most anything he does, even if the film itself doesn't work. Luckily, Dead Man does work."

Depp is one of those actors that if he is in the movie, I'll watch it. Usually it's pretty good too. I like most of the actors in your list.

Yeah, I think that's clearly sexist rather than homosexual.
Shut up and fix my dinner!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Females (Citizen Rules is not responsible for the content of this very short video, nor do I endorse the views contained within. But it is darn funny!)

I have to say that, with a couple of expections, I had to think of actors to put on the list. If I'd just done the first 25 that came to mind I think there'd have been even more actresses on my list.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I only had 2 actresses on my list. One because of her more macho roles(Weaver), and one who is fresh in my mind from watching a lot of 60's movies recently(Hepburn).