The most bangin' of breakfast edibles


anyone ever had poutine?...Not for breakfast, but it is awesome. french fries covered in gravy and cheese curd. It is a french thing.

Pountine? Isn't that a movie about some afro-guy from the 70's that whips things with his belt while drinking orange soda?

French fries and gravy sound like da' bomb do'. My favorite, or one of them, is fries dipped in a milkshake. Go to Wendys, get some fries and a shake, then dip away. It's bangin'.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Breakfast on work days? Coffee.

Breakfast on days I feel like cooking?
3 fluffy small pancakes (only manage half of it), 2 eggs (scrambled), several link sausages and OJ. Coffee after with a little morning Im usually in the mood for breakfast only when there's someone to cook for. or 3-5 egg omelet (split with someone) with green peppers, onions, tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms, and occasionally black olives and celery, plus toast with margaraine and OJ and coffee.

Leisurely Breakfast in the street? Eggs, link sausage, french toast, oj and coffee.

But most days it coffee. Sometimes coffee and a coke. Or coffee and a cinnamon raisin bagel with plain cream cheese. Other days is coffee and a mountain dew.
something witty goes here......

Had a nice hot bowl of ready brek