Star Trek...A Journey with TOS, TNG, DSN, VOY, ENT


Wow. That was an interesting video! I never knew any of that stuff.
(Very sad, though. I didn't even know he had died).

Not that I really remember Michael O'Hare's acting, but looks-wise, he reminded me of Scott Bakula (Captain Archer from Enterprise).

They do resemble a bit indeed ! Remember seeing Scott in Quantum Leap... that was a famous one.
Enterprise got a bit more into the Vulcan culture also evidencing the Human - Vulcan relationship.
Even though they were a close ally to the humans, their Vulcan High Command was pretty secretive and they used to hide many things from the humans
"We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren’t acceptable in the light.
Night is when we slake our thirst."
~ William Hill ~

Trouble with a capital "T"

I finished the first leg of my Star Trek journey by watching all 79 episodes of the original series plus the pilot, The Cage. This is the umpteenth time I've seen these but it had been over 10 years since I last watched them. I wasn't sure if my fond memories of STTOS would remain intact...they did! I loved re-watching the show and even though I knew the episodes by heart I found new things in each episode to be fascinated by. I'd list my favorite episodes and least favorite too, but it would be hard! I like them all, even though I'll be the first to admit there were a few episodes that were poorly written.

I also wanted to count the number of 'space babes' Captain Kirk kissed. We always hear he had a girl on every episode but I don't think he kissed all that many, but I forgot to count...anybody know the exact number?

I do know the exact number of times it's eluded too that Kirk had sex. Most of those times were in the line of duty, seriously or he was under some alien influence. There was only one time Kirk had sex for the sheer fun of it. Anyone know which episodes?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't know, but I'd love to find out how many non-human (aliens or androids) he slept with.
From a production stand point, as opposed to in-universe, Captain Kirk is eluded to having sexual relations during the episodes five times by my count. Here's one.

Miramanee from The Paradise Syndrome, also that's 1 space babe he kissed.

From a production stand point, as opposed to in-universe, Captain Kirk is eluded to having sexual relations during the episodes five times by my count. Here's one.

Miramanee from The Paradise Syndrome, also that's 1 space babe he kissed.
Question: was Miramanee human? I seem to recall some reference in the episode that the people on that planet may have (somehow) been directly descendent from Native Americans from Earth (but I could be wrong).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Question: was Miramanee human? I seem to recall some reference in the episode that the people on that planet may have (somehow) been directly descendent from Native Americans from Earth (but I could be wrong).
Ohh, good call! I almost said he never had sex with humans (as eluded too during the run time of the episodes, that is). But you're right Miramanee was human and her tribe had been brought to that peaceful planet by advanced aliens. So that's the one an only human he slept with, but it was honorable he did marry her first!

Ohh, good call! I almost said he never had sex with humans (as eluded too during the run time of the episodes, that is). But you're right Miramanee was human and her tribe had been brought to that peaceful planet by advanced aliens. So that's the one an only human he slept with, but it was honorable he did marry her first!
...And she got pregnant!
That means David Marcus (Wrath of Khan) had a half-sibling he never knew.

How sad, I just realized that after ST-III both of Kirk's only known children had died.

But then, with Kirk, who knows how man Kirk siblings might be out there.