Thoughts on Denzel Washington?


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I haven't seen it either. Is it one of those movies where I shouldn't know the plot of the film ahead of time?
I don't think it would matter too much. I know what the movie is about, I just haven't seen it.

Philadelphia is a movie you are bound to love..
It has some of the best performances by all it's stars...

As a kid I used to hate dramatic films with sad endings, but Philadelphia changed that..
I'd say watch it..

It's weird that while I am perhaps the biggest Denzel Washington fan here, I actually believe that Training Day is a fairly overrated movie. I think Denzel has had much better performances (Hurricane, American Gangster, Glory, Man on Fire, etc.) that went unnoticed (though he did win for Glory).
people will disagree here but i realy didnt like the hurricane.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
people will disagree here but i realy didnt like the hurricane.
eh, a lot of people don't. Whether or not you don't like the movie, I still think that you have to have some sort of appreciation for the performance of Denzel Washington. He pretty much made that movie good himself.

I really adored him in Man On Fire, that just story just showed me how Denzel can do great throughout films,but i am not really a big fan of him though.
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.