Name That Movie (Video Clips):


Wow! That is one hard game! They worked fine -- but I think I know only one of

When it's over, do you post the answers?
Well, I post two sets of clips. There will be an easier set, going up on Monday.

I do post the answers, but only those who play, are able to see them.

I feel decent enough to make this set by tonight.

*Knock on wood!*
Have you been sick?
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Thanks guys! My daughter did not handle it well this time. It was not as bad for the boys this time around. For me, instead of body aches, I was dizzy for at least 24 hours. I kept falling into everything, yesterday. It drove me batty. I'm sure I looked like a clumsy idiot.

Now, I can't find 6 of the DVDs for this game. I've looked everywhere. I should stop posting when I'm going to do these. Then I won't look like an ass, so often.

Now, I can't find 6 of the DVDs for this game. I've looked everywhere.
They are probably close to your computer, like on a spindle buried.

Seriously though, we went through the flu not long ago, my girfriend got it while recoveriny from a hysterctomy, talk about miserable. Anyway best wishes to you and your family, this will all be over soon.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Allison, my two year old granddaughter accounts for a good 80% of the missing stuff around our house. I guess she could be called a gremlin. Well I say it is her because we find the drandest things in the garbagecan, pool, under kitchen sink, etc... I found my latest hard cover S.K. novel under the sink today, I mean if not her who the heck would put it there?

More likely, it's Stripe.
I was too lazy to look up his name. Yes, I forgot it. Ironically, that movie disappeared as well. Right after I used it in the Christmas games. I never got to watch it, this past Christmas season.

Guess what I found!?! Don't even ask.

They'll be up in a bit.


PM the answers, ONLY!











The Answers:

1. Flash Gordon
2. Paper Moon
3. The Sentinel
4. The Godfather
5. Chinatown
6. Honkytonk Man
7. Cat Ballou
8. From the Terrace
9. Mystic River
10. Enter the Dragon

The winner was Mark F!

Mark F:

2 Points:

2. Paper Moon
4. The Godfather
5. Chinatown
7. Cat Ballou
9. Mystic River

1 Point:

1. Flash Gordon
8. From the Terrace
10. Enter the Dragon

Holden Pike:

2 Points:

1. Flash Gordon (1980)
2. Paper Moon
5. Chinatown
9. Mystic River

1 Point:

6. Honkytonk Man


2 Points:

1. Flash Gordon


2 Points:

9. Mystic River


Total scores this game:

Mark F - 13 Points
Holden Pike - 9 Points
7thson - 2 Points
Revenant - 2 Points

Total wins:

Holden Pike - 21
Mark F - 5
JBriscoe - 1