The Upgrade Bug Report Thread


It was a classic case of "the idea is right, but the execution is wrong." It was indeed the ads, and I had indeed removed them...but I'd forgotten to remove the call to the JavaScript (in another template) file that connected to the ad server, even though I wasn't displaying them any more.

So, we found the one thing that isn't Camo's fault.
Yay, glad it was something simple ... bet @Camo'll be made-up to know he's in the clear the next time he checks in here

I found out that MoFo looks weird with Opera No worries of course, it's just funny how different browsers render different sites.
Weird innit .... you'd expect something called Opera to really make sites sing wouldn't you

I found out that MoFo looks weird with Opera No worries of course, it's just funny how different browsers render different sites.
Nothing broken, I hope, just small formatting differences and the like?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nothing broken, I hope, just small formatting differences and the like?
Yeah, just formatting differences.

Though I don't think I can do the Smilies-emoticons with Opera. I'll try, happy face that one worked.

thumbs up (can't do the optional ones with Opera when I click More link)...but no biggie I never use Opera here anyway.

In the mobile version pictures don't open automatically but you have to open the pictures manually. On the forum everything works fine, but when I try to open a picture in the shoutbox it doesn't work and my screen goes to the top of the page. Does anyone else have this problem?

In the mobile version pictures don't open automatically but you have to open the pictures manually. On the forum everything works fine, but when I try to open a picture in the shoutbox it doesn't work and my screen goes to the top of the page. Does anyone else have this problem?
Yeah, I think I forgot to put some JavaScript on that page after I started allowing embedded images there (recently). Try it now, please.

In the mobile version pictures don't open automatically but you have to open the pictures manually. On the forum everything works fine, but when I try to open a picture in the shoutbox it doesn't work and my screen goes to the top of the page. Does anyone else have this problem?
Yeah, I think I forgot to put some JavaScript on that page after I started allowing embedded images there (recently). Try it now, please.
It works now. Thanks!

Yes. Bigger font, more spacing to make touchscreen clicks a little easier, and a few other things. Post and PM previews, avatars on Who's Online, removed a bunch of text shadows.

Might be some more stuff coming, not sure yet.