The Visit (2015) - M Night Shyamalan


The Shyamhammer hasn't made a good movie since Signs, I don't think this will be on The Happening, After Earth or Last Airbender level bad, maybe he'll start going back up in terms of movie quality, but until then that will be waiting right here.

Just sat and watched...

Shyalabalanbingbong is definitely back on form, the movie is a bit like The Sixth Sense... I guessed what the ending would be at about 3 minutes into the film.

Is shot in a found footage kinda way but is a little forced with some of the camera shots. Some shots were too perfectly framed for a found footage movie.

Creepy movie at times though.

41%-50% if I was to do a review.

Spoiler alert... I actually guessed the ending quicker than 3 minutes into the movie.

I made a prediction of what the ending would be on page one of this thread, 5 months before the movie was released...