I will always be an addict. And you probably will too.


I've also come to the realization that I can become addicted to things. I've been able to keep my addictions away from substances, though. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs and I never have.

My current big addiction is my DVD collection. Buying new movies and tweaking my database in DVD Profiler seem to take up a lot of my free time lately.

Before DVDs was my truck. I was always looking for something else to do to it. Now I have a 19 year old truck appraised at over $30,000. It's still my baby, but doesn't take as much time and money anymore.

Before that, when I was in high school and college, it was my Hot Wheels collection. By the time I stopped collecting seriously and tracking the collection, I had over 5,000 cars and the collection was worth over $30,000. I still have them all stored away. I also still find myself walking through the Hot Wheels aisle anytime I'm in the store and I still pick a few up here and there, but mostly just the ones that really catch my eye.

Some addictions never completely go away.