Are you ticklish?


Are you ticklish?
8 votes
Yes, on my feet
1 votes
Yes, on my ribs
0 votes
Yes, on my belly
3 votes
No, not at all
8 votes
Yes! All over!
20 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I'm incredibly ticklish, but what puzzles me is why we laugh at the sensation, because I find it intolerable, like nails down a blackboard.

You have this thing for female doctors and embarrassment, don't you?
Not really... Just prone to embarrassment.

...uh the post is up there...

Yes, I'm ticklish on my feet.
Not as much as I used to be, though.
"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross

Hmmm... could be a sign of a neurological impairment. Have you hit your head recently?

Hmmm... you may not be too far off the mark... I have some stuff going wrong with my neck and shoulder... and really have been hit in the head... a couple of times... which actually might explain a lot...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

This thread reminds me of the time when I was in grade school and I went to a Renaissance fair over the summer. There was a curly-haired woman locked in ankle stocks in front of a church, who was sleeping on the job. So, I ran my fingers up the arches of her feet and she jerked up and gave me a scolding look. :P

Registered Creature
Yeah, I'm ticklish everywhere. Especially on my neck. I go berserk if somebody tickles me there, I scream like I'm being attacked.

neck, definitely, and feet.
something witty goes here......

Originally Posted by FILMFREAK087
This thread reminds me of the time when I was in grade school and I went to a Renaissance fair over the summer. There was a curly-haired woman locked in ankle stocks in front of a church, who was sleeping on the job. So, I ran my fingers up the arches of her feet and she jerked up and gave me a scolding look. :P
You go, Filmfreak! Get those nurses and Renaissance women!

Originally Posted by FILMFREAK087
She had it coming...

Oh my...

I think that could go in my Do You Have A Foot Fetish? thread.

OMG, and I just noticed that they're BOTH* women in that picture...

* I assume.