Deja Vu

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I think I remember alligators now. They were at the perps house, near the docks. They ate his partner, right?
Ahh ok. Yeah I think it was his partner then. I'm forgetting where in the story line I saw that alligator pen. Was thinking it was when he went back but I think you just jarred my memory back and I believe it was the first time around, after he was chasing him with that weird helmet of his.

I think it was sort of like Multiplicity. At least one version of the lead character did drown in that car, maybe more. Right?

*getting confused*
No, I think it was only his future self that drowned which really, there was no drowning at all as that time line should have stopped exhisting.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Okay, that makes sense.

The whole driving along with the helmet thing was crazy. It reminded me of Crank. Of course if he hadn't done that, far more people would have died.

BTW, I've been on that ferry! I love New Orleans.

Okay, that makes sense.

The whole driving along with the helmet thing was crazy. It reminded me of Crank. Of course if he hadn't done that, far more people would have died.

BTW, I've been on that ferry! I love New Orleans.
Yeah I mentioned that before that was one of the scenes that irked me. How he could have easily killed the folks on the highway and didn't blink an eye heheh. But the helmet idea was unique and something I don't recall seeing in a movie. Actually, I did see one movie similar but that movie had a terribly silly ending though the first half hour was interesting.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I know you did. I've been thinking about it. That's why I brought it up.

The lead character seemed, at the beginning of the movie to know far too much too easily. Do you think that was because he was brilliant or because the time line was messed with and he had subconscious pre-cog going on?

I know you did. I've been thinking about it. That's why I brought it up.

The lead character seemed, at the beginning of the movie to know far too much too easily. Do you think that was because he was brilliant or because the time line was messed with and he had subconscious pre-cog going on?
You mean Denzel? It seems he was just good at what he did, being able to pick things up quickly before anyone else could. I didnt figure he knew that much till he questioned them about their gadget but that was his observation skills at work again.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Yes, I meant Denzel. I thought he was just better at detecting than anyone else at first. Now I wonder if the time line distortion was part of the reason he was for the case.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I did see that early scene and the last one where it either rang again, or he thought it was going to ring (can't recall there) but I don't recall the connection or what they were trying to say there.
I just assumed that the body in the bag was his partner. Wasn't that who he was calling as he walked by the bag?

And now I remember that gator cage. An interesting way to dispose of a body, I suppose.

Still Move Forward!!
Very true, Tell me this though, when he said that what if i have already gone back? and obviously he has failed that past times becase the girl was not alive, so now can you look at it this way, the girl surviving, so now the cycle is broken. I think thats a good way to end a movie so there is no De Javu 2. What would the girl tell Denzel? You saved my life? Like honestly, the movie tried to keep the loose ends tight, but they could of have done a better job.
Its not about how many hits you make, its about how many hits you can take, and still move forward! Its about moving forward!!

The Adventure Starts Here!
I don't think he did go back multiple times -- just that once. I think that was just a line they threw in there because every viewer was thinking it at some point anyway. All time travel movies have that mind-game thing going, and I think that line was just acknowledging that Denzel thought about it too.

Registered User
i got confused .. but maybe thats because i fell asleep in the beginning .. ya

i got confused .. but maybe thats because i fell asleep in the beginning .. ya
That will do it
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I know it is a long time since the movie came out but me and my brother have a question about the plot.

Ok so you know how when he first goes to the place where they see 4 days in the past, he sees his cotton balls and also the words on the fridge saying "U can save her". Also when they go to the bad guy's house, it is burned and has the ambulance crashed into it.

The way I explained this is because denzel already went in the past once and what they are showing us as the present is actually the present after he went in the past once and failed to save everyone.

The way my brother explained it is that the people just wanted to put those elements in the present so that the viewers can understand what is going on. So basically he is saying that made a movie mistake in the plot. The reason why it would be a movie mistake is because if he hasn't gone back in time yet, than he wouldn't be able to see the cotton balls, the letters on the fridge or the house wouldn't have been crashed into yet because he hasn't done any of that stuff.

I do not think that they can make such a major movie mistake.

Can someone please help me figure this out?

thank you

Your interpretation is definitely the correct one. The idea is that because there is no actual past, present, or future, the fact that he will go back in time to write those words on the fridge means that he sees it before he's done it.

Technically speaking, it's a paradox, but this sort of pseudo-logic is how the majority of movies on the topic have chosen to address the issue. There's no way for any of it to actually make sense, but this is the closest such films usually come to actually withstanding scrutiny. So while it's not really a mistake, it doesn't exactly add up, either. But understand that standard, I don't know that any movie involving time travel does.

Time travel is like an item (yes item) of food that one hates, but tries anyway thinking their pallete might have evolved, but no matter what time it is you like it or you do not --------------yeah?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

ya i see what you mean, they tried to do the best they can but they still had some minor flaws. I really needed someone else to back me up on this because there is no way they could have made such a big mistake.
There is also one more question that i have. Do you remember in the beggining when he just got to the crime scene, and he was by the body bags. Did he call his partner and the phone in the bag rang meaning thats his partner? Or did someone call his cell phone and both his cell phone and the cell phone in the body bag rang meaning that it was him in the body bag from the future?
I am just not sure if he called or someone called him.

ya i just have to watch that part again because if he is calling someone than yes indeed that is his partner, but if someone is calling him than it is him.

Yeah, it's his partner. Though it's funny you should ask that question, because my girlfriend and I saw this movie together and spent the ride home coming up with a number of different directions they could have gone in to make the movie cooler, and one of the ideas involved that being him in the body bag.