The Films to Come (Your Most Anticipated Films of 2006)


In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by ObiWanShinobi
Two movies that I'm afraid of are The Fountain and The Prestige. I've read the fountain and didn't like the story (but loved the artwork) and I'm halfway through The Prestige and I really don't care about it at all.

I'll just have to trust Aronofsky and Nolan.
I can understand your feelings towards the Prestige, but stick with the book, it kicks ass. I personally loved the narrative style of it and I think Nolan is going to kill it (in a good way) on screen. I thought it was an awesome story, even if the 'science' behind it was a little... anachronistic at this point...
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Okay, Holden, FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION has to be another mockumentary, yes? If so, I don't even care what the topic is, I'm there.


I'm not sure it's really telling us much, though, to list just about every movie coming out in 2006 as your most anticipated.

"Mission: Impossible 3" - The second one was one of my favorites
"Pirates of the Caribbean 2" - I hope it's as fun as the first
"Miami Vice" - It's a Michael Mann movie. 'nuff said.
"Inside Man" - The first Spike Lee movie that ever looked any good to me
"16 Blocks" - Richard Donner and Bruce Willis, a great match.
"The Davinci Code" - I haven't read it, but it sounds interesting.

Here's a few to be released this month that I may see...

Manderlay: it looks thought provoking and it has some actors I like...Bryce Dallas Howard (I didn't like The Village but I did like Bryce), Willem Dafoe and Chloe Sevigny.

Tamara: Ok, it may be a sleazy dead teen witch returns for revenge movie but I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.

Date Movie: Ok, it may be a sleazy teen comedy but it looks kinda funny. And Alyson Hannigan is cute as a button. Even when she's in the fat suit.

Night Watch: I've seen BloodRayne and Underworld, why stop now? And the clips look pretty good.

Dirty: Maybe we'll find out if Cuba Gooding can act or not. It looks like a Training Day clone but hey, I liked Training Day. Also, the guy in the Ethan Hawke role looks like he could really kick some ass.

Sophie Scholl: resisting the Nazis. I like socio-political themes and if V for Vendetta falls flat, maybe this one won't.

Ultraviolet: Can there ever be too many ass kickin babes in tight outfits movies?

And a few more...

Pulse: based on a Japanese film. I'm hoping for something as good as The Ring.

She's the Man: Ok, don't laugh but the clips had me laughing. Normally I wouldn't be interested in another "girl impersonates a guy" movie but this one may be a cut above. Amanda Bynes may actually be good...we'll see.

Thank you for Smoking: I could use a good satire about now and this looks promising. Plus it's got the terrific Maria Bello from History of Violence.

V for Vendetta: it's a socio-political theme, it's got Natalie Portman and a butt kickin anti-hero. Surely it can't screw up all those good elements.

Basic Instinct 2: Sharon Stone was the hottest thing going after the first Basic Instinct. I'm curious if she's got any heat left.
My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Well my overall number one will be the Superman film. I'll have to dwell for anymore though.

ObiWanShinobi's Avatar
District B13
Originally Posted by OG-
I can understand your feelings towards the Prestige, but stick with the book, it kicks ass. I personally loved the narrative style of it and I think Nolan is going to kill it (in a good way) on screen. I thought it was an awesome story, even if the 'science' behind it was a little... anachronistic at this point...
I finished it... and I don't know what to think. Frankly, I would normally be happy that a book would require me to think at the end, but this novel was so up and down that I wanted some closure. I feel like I have to read it again but I really don't want to.

I understand that Nolan is going to make the movie only take place in the turn of the century parts. I think that will affect the mystery/fantasy/horror part of the story tremendously. What's more, we are only told one side of the story from the book, if it's taking place as the second magician's journal then we are only shown his viewpoint.

I know now that the author of the book backed the Jonathan Nolan screenplay. But if I have mixed feelings about the book and the parts of the book that I found most tedious are the ones being highlighted in the movie then I'm not too sure I will like The Prestige at all.

ice age 2
da vanci code
pirates of the caribbean 2..
delgo (is this film still coming out??)

So many good movies, so little time.
I'm looking forward to Mel Gibson's Apocalypto

"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."- Groucho Marx

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
V for Vendetta
Romance and Cigarettes
Hot Fuzz (may not be out this year)
Marie Antoinette
Revengers Tragedy
A Scanner Darkly
She's The Man
Imagine Me and You
The Science of Sleep
Sin City 2

Final Fantasy: Advent Children

stranger then a drunken mime
X-Men 3
Scary Movie 4
Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Superman Returns
Lady in the Water
The Da Vinci Code
Ice Age 2
Jacks Black's: Nacho Libre
And Mission Impossible III
"No, we don't have any needles here... Just a big f*cking gun"

xmen 3 (come on, ive been an xman fan since i was 6)
pirates 2 (first one, slightly orgasmic)
da vinci code (loved the book, really interesting, GOOD choice with tom hanks, i like that)
flight 93 (im not sure im alright with hollywood "exploiting" 9/11 for a movie, maybe a documentary, but im not sure if they can really do any justice. chances are itll end up being some extremely patriotic film)

Registered User
definetly Tripoli ! I dont even know what its about, but...

This month I'm exicted to see

Ice Age 2
Silent Hill
'My mind is full of stars....'

I am so excited to have seen Lucky Number Slevin-- def. the best movie out there that i have seen this year-- it really has everything : great acting, twisting plot, wonderful action sequences... def. do yourself a favor and go see Lucky Number Slevin

Keeping Up With the Steins
Lady Vengance
The DaVinci Code
Over the Hedge
See No Evil
X-Men:The Last Stand
The Break-Up
The Omen
The Heart of the Game
Nacho Libre
Strangers With Candy
Superman Returns
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Lady in the Water
Monster House
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
Miami Vice
World Trade Center
The Reaping
DOA: Dead or Alive
The Descent

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Superman Returns, definitely, but I still need to be won over on the actress thay have as Lois Lane, she looks waaay too young, and she isn't at all Lois Lane-esque. She looks way too nice. lol.

X-Men 3, cause there is just no way this won't be cool. It has the Sentinels in it finally!!!

Also looking forward to Snakes on a Plane, Clerks II, Pirates of the Carribean 2, and Nacho Libre.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

can i see it? please? why not!
K, this is not for 2006 .. but hopefully not long after.

I'm looking forward to Terminator 4 and Die Hard 4 , though I'm not sure they'll be anything amazing, but God I hope they are at least worthy of the plastic wrap they'll be covered in.
i'm pretty sure i'm the best there ever was..
my not-so-great-but-im-working-on-it collection

The Sentinal just because it looks like 24: The Movie.

I think i'm one of the only people not be bothered by the new Superman movie. As a character Superman never really did anything for me, he's always seemed to morally clear cut and just a generally unambigious and boring character unlike say Batman in Begins. Nothing appeals to me about him and the plots in films have never really been complex enough to let the character shine out either, except for maybe the dual identity aspect though it's not selling the movie. The fact his only physical weakness is Kryptonite doesn't really create sense of worry for his survival so i find it hard to emphasise with his plights. In the original two Gene Hackman and Terrence Stamp were the only things i liked but despite fine performances they don't have the spectacle of Doc Ock for example. I'm sure Singer will deliver a great film and Spacey will be own the Luthor role but still don't see the fuss.

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
The Sentinal just because it looks like 24: The Movie.
I thought that too but it was nowhere near like 24. As a matter of fact, one 1 hour episode of 24 was more intense than "The Sentinal".