Citizen Rules...Cinemaesque Chat-n-Review

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Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't remember the sound effect. I do remember the dreaded Zither! I really like Outer Limits the newer one, the older one too. I haven't even seen on the 90s episodes yet. But I like to.

Yeah, I don't think I've seen the newer one, just the old black & white one.
I know they basically re-did almost all those types of old shows (not the episodes, but updated the style while utilizing the title), especially in the 90's. I think they called them "revival series".

Indignation (2016)

Director: James Schamus
Writers: Philip Roth (novel ) James Schamus (screenplay)
Cast: Logan Lerman, Sarah Gadon, Tijuana Ricks
Genre: Drama

This review is really well-written, Citizen...loved Lerman in The Perks of being a Wallflower...I may have to check this out.

[size=5][color=DarkRed]The Man with One Red Shoe (1985)

Tom Hanks is the star and man did he look young! This was made a couple years after Hank's break through film Splash (1984)...but before his other mega big hit, Big (1988). This is a comedy and Hanks is likable as the everyday guy who stumbles into a CIA clandestine plot. The CIA mistakes him for a top notch spy, but he's just another Joe....err...I mean Tom.

A fun movie if don't expect much. This is just a light comedy spy mystery-thriller. The best part is when Lori Singer who's a CIA operative, lures Tom Hanks into her apartment, which has a full glass mirror so that the CIA can observe her, umm activities...It was funny when she gets her long hair caught in his zipper, ouch! An easy watch, that made me chuckle at times.

Of course he looks young...this was only his 4th feature film.

Gideon you're not a big fan of sci fi are you? Do you have any favorite sci fis?
No, never been much of a sci-fan, I'm so not into sci-fi that I'm not sure I even have an answer for your question...I loved Close Encounters and I liked Star Wars...I do love sci-fi spoofs though, like Galaxy Quest, Spaceballs, and Mars Attacks.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, I don't think I've seen the newer one, just the old black & white one.
I know they basically re-did almost all those types of old shows (not the episodes, but updated the style while utilizing the title), especially in the 90's. I think they called them "revival series".
You never seen the newer Outer Limits 1995-2002, that surprises me. I know you're a big sci fi fan, and I'd say that was the best anthology sci fi shows I've ever seen. I like the old black & white Outer Limits too, but the newer ones were much better. Guess what? They're on Youtube
This is one of my favorites and it reminds me of Cherry 2000

Saturn 3(1980)
Directors: Stanley Donen
Cast: Farrah Fawcett, Kirk Douglas, Harvey Keitel
Genre: Sci Fi
You're not going to believe this, but I actually saw this film during its original theatrical release...there were about a dozen people in theater...the only thing I remember is being bored to death.

Trouble with a capital "T"

I Origins (2014)
Director: Mike Cahill
Writer: Mike Cahill
Cast: Michael Pitt, Steven Yeun, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

About: A young molecular biologist (Michael Pitt) and his new student laboratory partner (Brit Marling) work on uncovering evidence that will prove evolution is real, by disproving a key argument in the Intelligent Design belief.

Review: Director/writer Mike Cahill churns some goobly goo religious ideas under the guise of pseudo science. Mike Cahill who previously wrote and directed the thought provoking indie sci fi Another Earth (2011), fails to deliver here with his ham-fisted preaching and hokey science. Add into that some lifeless characters and you get a sleeper that's best left sleeping. I've seen movies made by Christian organizations and even though they have a message they can still be a well made film.

I Origins is a poorly made film. What we're asked to swallow is an abrupt 180 degree character change as the scientist working on proving evolution comes to believe souls are being reborn into babies, based on repeating iris specks in the eye. Of course this same research scientist who was dedicated to disproving Intelligent Design spends his time buying cigarettes and lottery tickets. Any scientist knows those are two stupid things to do.

Nothing else to say here, if you want to see a good though provoking sci fi by Mike Cahill, watch his Another Earth.

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Rules, where are you finding these movies? You've reviewed a bunch in the last few weeks that I've never even heard of, but which sound really interesting.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Rules, where are you finding these movies? You've reviewed a bunch in the last few weeks that I've never even heard of, but which sound really interesting.
Mostly Netflix DVD. I get DVDs in the mail and that cost $8 a month. I got that subscription for Christmas a few years ago and it's the gift that keeps on giving!

Man! if you want see a sci fi that will piss you off, watch I Origin.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Hemingway & Gellhorn (2012)
Director: Philip Kaufman
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Clive Owen, David Strathairn
Genre: Biography, Drama, Romance
HBO 2 hours 35 minutes

: The American novelist Ernest Hemingway and his romance and marriage to his third wife, Martha Gellhorn, who was a noted war correspondent. Having meet in a bar in Florida, while Hemingway is married to his second wife, Ernest and Gellhorn head off to Spain to cover the civil war there and start an affair. The movie chronicles their tumultuous relationship, fueled by Hemingway's alcoholism and destructive behavior.

Review: This sucked! It has to be one of the worst bio pics I've ever seen. The director had no idea how to tell a story or develop the characters. What little story there was could have been told in 60 minutes, versus the mind numbing 155 minutes that this HBO movie. was.

Characters are introduced then disappear, with no rhyme or reason...Scenes run, then go nowhere, leaving the viewer wondering if they missed something. Clearly the director had no idea how to tell the story, so he glitzed it up with three steamy sex/love scenes... in one of them the couple gets busy in the hotel room as bombs fall and the ceiling plaster covers them, funny! but ridiculous. Then the director throws in a ton of excessive smoking scenes, shot after shot of smoking, a sure sign of a director who's cupboard was bare and he grabbed what he could to create drama out of nothing.

Clive Owen as Hemingway was more like Clive Owen as Grouch Marx! He had the look, the vocal tone, the body posture and even the snappy, biting one liners. This should have been called The Groucho Marx Story with Clive Owen as Groucho and Nicole Kidman as Harpo.

I Origins (2014)
Director: Mike Cahill
Writer: Mike Cahill
Cast: Michael Pitt, Steven Yeun, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Well, if it's from the people who made Another Earth it might be worth checking out.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I loved Another Earth (my review) I gave it a
. You should check out I Origin it has a high IMDB rating and like you said the same director/writer did both, and both movies have Brit Marling, (the blonde actress). There's no sci fi stuff really, in fact it's more of a romance drama. It is like Another Earth in many ways. I'd be interested in reading your review.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Hannah and Her Sisters(Woody Allen, 1986)
Director: Woody Allen
Writer: Woody Allen
Cast: Mia Farrow, Dianne Wiest, Michael Caine, Barbara Hershey, Carrie Fisher, Maureen O'Sullivan, Lloyd Nolan, Max von Sydow, Julie Kavner, Woody Allen
Genre: Comedy, Drama

A movie about...
Hanna and her complex relationships with her two sisters, family members and their spouses. We see that their lives are interwoven, as we follow them over a two year period that starts at a Thanksgiving dinner, and ends two years latter on another Thanksgiving. During that time Hanna's husband falls for her sister, while Hanna's old ex falls for her other sister. Hanna is the reliable one.

Review: One of Woody Allen's best movies and he's made a lot of great ones. Woody won an Oscar for Best Screen Play. This is a Woody Allen film and everybody is neurotic or self indulgent or otherwise troubled...we quickly learn that as we watch a group of New York intellectuals going trying to get their complicated lives in order. And apparently Woody wrote this about Mia Farrow and her real life mother Maureen O'Sullivan, which makes the movie all the more interesting.

Mia Farrow said of the film, "It was my mother's stunned, chill reaction to the script that enabled me to see how he [Woody Allen] had taken many of the personal circumstances and themes of our lives, and, it seemed, had distorted them into cartoonish characterizations. At the same time he was my partner. I loved him. I could trust him with my life. And he was a writer: this is what writers do...He had taken the ordinary stuff of our lives and lifted it into art. We were honored and outraged".

Hanna and her sisters: Mia Farrow, Barbara Hersey and Dianne Wiest.

Barbara Hershey was looking pretty cute in this, she's really charming too. Which works well as we have to understand how Michael Caine could cheat on his wife, Hanna (Mia Farrow), who's also cute and a really nice Barbara has to be all the more charming to make the story line believable.

Woody packs his film with a star studded cast that is both believable and feels as if they really belong married, or divorced from each other! I thought the characters were complex enough to make me want to watch this again. There are many moments that seemed like real life, and that's high praise for any film. Oh and I laughed too.

There's too many actors here to praise them all. Michael Caine who plays Hanna's husband won Best Actor in a Supporting Role.

Dianne Wiest won Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her portrayal of the free spirited but troubled sister, Dianne Wiest who brings a kooky, ecliptic energy to the film. And despite her initial negativeness to dating Woody Allen's character we end up liking her.

Woody plays himself, go figure! He's a New York TV writer/producer, a hypochondriac that panics through out most of the film. He was funny, lets face it no one plays Woody like Woody!

A bit of fun trivia, all the scenes inside Hanna's apartment were actually filmed inside Mia Farrow's own apartment.

I really liked this! It's one of Woody Allen's best films.

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Trouble with a capital "T"
Barbara Hershey was looking pretty cute in this, really charming too. Which works well as we have to understand how Michael Caine could cheat on his wife, Hanna (Mia Farrow), who's really a nice Barbara has to be all the more charming. Dianne Wiest has this kooky, ecliptic personality that despite how messed up she was, you still end up liking her.

I think I'll edit my review and include that