Arthouse Mafia


It's got fire and rain, but should be fine.

I have a question mark, what is your favorite art film?
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Simply said, it:s just like another rehearse of youth with existential crisis, a really good one. Pretty recommended

I have been thinking about The Mirror recently. I feel like re watching it already but scared imagery will hurt my head. Anybody seen this one?
One of the best looking films I've ever seen.

One of the best looking films I've ever seen.
One of the best films I've ever seen.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

What are people's 5 greatest art house films of the 21st century?
I don't know. Ask the people.

My #1 is still The Diving Bell and the Butterfly whether or not it qualifies as mob-approved.
I enjoyed that massively, saw it a few weeks ago.

My top 5 would be something like:

1. The Fountain
2. Ida
3. Under the Skin
4. The Tree of Life
5. The Eyes of my Mother

In no particular order:

Werckmeister Harmonies (2000)
Platform (2000)
Yi Yi (2000)
Caché (2005)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)

Honorable Mentions:
Alle Anderen (2009)
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000)
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)
Jiao you (2013)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks (2003)

Objectively the best
2004: A Space Sunflower, eh?

Here are mine, although I'm pretty sure I posted on this at least once before:

Werckmeister Harmonies
The Dust of Time
As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty
Le pont des Arts
The Tree of Life

“I was cured, all right!”
Nickname: Ultraviolence AKA The Wrath of God;

Reason: I want to talk about art films like Transformers and Legally Blonde;

(interview with Ultraviolence):
Mr. Minio: Tell me something about yourself.
:I like to mix wine and whiskey.
Mr. Minio: Not about your personal life, dummy. What I wanna know is your movie taste and preferences!
Ultraviolence: Oh, sorry! I hate Marvel movies and others films maded only for money. I don't see movies as products, but I see them as art! I love old and obscure movies, I'm currently watching Terrence Malick, Bela Tárr, Yasujiro Ozu and Kenji Mizoguchi's filmography! After that, I'm planning to finish Visconti and Lav Diaz!
Mr. Minio: You have a very refined taste. How did you get into art house?
Ultraviolence: Thanks! Well, It was very natural, I watched Avengers (2012) in the cinema, everybody was screaming in ecstasy during the film, I was so bored that I wanted to kill myself, but I found peace in arthouse.
Mr. Minio: What do you seek in cinema?
Ultraviolence: I seek emotions!
Mr. Minio: What can you give?
Ultraviolence: I know a great recipe to mix liquor with lemon!
Mr. Minio: Is film art, entertainment, both?
Ultraviolence: Cinema is art! The only thing that can be art and
entertainment at the same time is sex!
Mr. Minio: Do you think your taste is refined?
Ultraviolence: YES!
Mr. Minio
Thank you for you time, it was a pleasure!
Ultraviolence: You're welcome!

Other: <I like Jennifer Connelly breasts>

Wait, you're lying! I never spoke to you like that! Ooooh I see. It's that scalawag Mr. Minio again!