Borat to play Queens Freddie Mercury


And before you retaliate

your kind of behaviour is what insults were invented for!
same goes for all the other nucluer accident morans who have attacked me elsewhere.

Anyway, this person should play Freddie Mercury in the film more than Borat, I mentioned it earlier but there were no videos up, now there is. I'm right, I really am, this person is absolutely ideal and probably the greatest singer that ever lived:


The singer comes on around the 4 minute mark of the video.

no your not required to show yourself to be what you are even more so.
And sarcasm is the lowest elevation of rats asses

and trolling is not posting what i posted
it is doing what you do

how can you simply invent what i posted, to belittle or mock?
it is impossible
No... I said you were 'possibly' Trolling...

... what I said you were definitely doing, is Flaming. Especially after that one particular post of yours on the last page.

Ok, I've wound you up over these past few weeks with your obvious attraction to this thread and attraction toward Jeremy Kapone, but never along the way have I directly attacked you as an individual.

Ok, I probably deserve a bit of a roasting from you for winding you up, but resorting to what you're doing on an open forum, and the way you reacted to Skepsis' post in particular, is by far and away classed as Flaming.

You've flamed more than one person on this thread too over the past few weeks when quite simply, they didn't agree with your opinion.

Especially going over your posts and editing them over and over again to add more and more personal attacks to them.

Was I meant to retaliate?
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.
no your not required to show yourself to be what you are even more so.
And sarcasm is the lowest elevation of rats asses

and trolling is not posting what i posted
it is doing what you do

how can you simply invent what i posted, to belittle or mock?
it is impossible

belittle and mock
is what others have continually done to me and my posts
mocking my pictures of kapone with your pictures of obviously inapropraite actors such as kathy BATES and stikcing moustaches on them
AND yet you accuse me or hating on you!
i hate you mockery and trolling!
i raised serious points in long posts that took me ages to write and you in turn just mock!

Like others, you are totlay disinterested in a true crtiical debate regards cohen
instead you just mock me, with no reference to my very real critique of his abilites, and you parrot blatent untruths about his appearence and no doubt his so called singing abilities.
this is why i references the recent movie geeks podcast on the crazy infection that seems to have somehow now permate everything.
a gang of mockers and trolls handibook
not interested in any reality or truth, just parroting lies in order to get what they want to the detrement of any who expect good serious drama or art dare i say,CREDIBLE CINEMA!

if i post something serious and indepth you ignore it and mock me

if i post something humourous
but worthwhile
it because of it's amazing sychrinicity
you turn that on me
YET all the WHILE
your postings are mockey disguised as humour
against me!
Trolling in other words!

The only one who is able to take the subject seriously and argue against it with an actual ARGUMENT!

for you troll and YOU FLAME
nothing else nothing! zilch!

Yes, you're being trolled. Nobody's denying that. You're being trolled because your behavior is very silly.

I'm also not sure what "facts" are supposed to be debated. You aren't really presenting facts, you're just repeating your own (very strong!) opinions over and over in different ways. There is no "fact" to contend with here. That's one of the reasons people are so amused at how adamant you are: because it's strange to be so passionate about something so a) subjective and speculative and b) relatively unimportant.

Yes, you're being trolled. Nobody's denying that. You're being trolled because your behavior is very silly.

I'm also not sure what "facts" are supposed to be debated. You aren't really presenting facts, you're just repeating your own (very strong!) opinions over and over in different ways. There is no "fact" to contend with here. That's one of the reasons people are so amused at how adamant you are: because it's strange to be so passionate about something so a) subjective and speculative and b) relatively unimportant.

No you are wrong and YOU know it
anybody who has pad attention can see sacha baron cohen cannot seriously ACT in the true sense of the word to any high standard!

and he certainly does not look like Freddie Mercury
neither can he sing like him


just because you deem the prospect of this movie unimportant does not mean everyone else does
and to fall back on the speculative
is another tqactic of all of you people
because you argue its a sold deal cohen will be playing the role
so there is another falsehood relied upon for the sake of a obviously incoherenet and provenly false argument.

No, those are not facts. Those are your opinions. He looks plenty like Freddie Mercury to me. I don't know if he can sing, but I don't know if it's important that he does; it might not be required for the role. Nor do I acknowledge that he's incapable of giving a good performance.

You can repeat your opinions over and over, but they're just your opinions. And I'd be more inclined to take them seriously if you treated them like opinions, rather than try to give them the illusion of being facts with bizarre photoshops of eyes and sheer rhetorical repetition.

Also, if you insult one more person--me, Rodent, whoever--you'll be banned permanently. No more warnings.

Yes, you're being trolled. Nobody's denying that. You're being trolled because your behavior is very silly.

I'm also not sure what "facts" are supposed to be debated. You aren't really presenting facts, you're just repeating your own (very strong!) opinions over and over in different ways. There is no "fact" to contend with here. That's one of the reasons people are so amused at how adamant you are: because it's strange to be so passionate about something so a) subjective and speculative and b) relatively unimportant.
No you are wrong and YOU know it


No, those are not facts. Those are your opinions. He looks plenty like Freddie Mercury to me. I don't know if he can sing, but I don't know if it's important that he does; it might not be required for the role. Nor do I acknowledge that he's incapable of giving a good performance.

You can repeat your opinions over and over, but they're just your opinions. And I'd be more inclined to take them seriously if you treated them like opinions, rather than try to give them the illusion of being facts with bizarre photoshops of eyes and sheer rhetorical repetition.

Also, if you insult one more person--me, Rodent, whoever--you'll be banned permanently. No more warnings.
He bears no physical resemblance to Mercury and that could be proven in a court of law

its ok for you and your troll freinds to repeat such lies but the truth cannot be changed by such outright lies

He bears no physical resemblance to Mercury other than black hair and moustache for one role he played, but that is not physical facial features which are the most important when considering if anyone looks like somebody
and that could be proven in a court of law.

you can repeat a lie as much as you like , and you and your like are comfortable doing so because you in your ignorance think it is sufficinet to prove you point as accurate and given in good faith
but it is obvious to anyone that this cannot be the case
because anyone who seriously asks and looks can see he bears not the slightest of ACTUAL RESEMBLANCE TO FREDDIE

i must stress it is a fact that the physical facial features of sacha baron cohen
feature by feature
nose lips eyes forehead cheekbones chin
when compared to Freddie Mercury
are totally different.
This bit by bit analyisis is not even neccessary to prove the point
all that is needed is honesty when comparing the faces as a whole.

He bears no physical resemblance to Mercury and that could be proven in a court of law

Really, how? What expert witness would you call? Other than yourself, I mean. What science would you invoke to "prove" this? Perhaps you misunderstand what "proof" means. It doesn't mean a subjective thing that you, personally, find obvious.

Also, you seem to be arbitrarily assuming that physical resemblance is the most important thing in a biopic. I don't grant that assumption at all. If someone were a foot taller than Freddie Mercury and looked a bit different, but was better at, say, portraying his mannerisms and personality, then he'd probably make a better choice. Boiling this down to mere physical resemblance (and then hilariously pretending you can muster some kind of objective proof of this resemblance) is simplistic in the extreme.

Yes, you're being trolled. Nobody's denying that. You're being trolled because your behavior is very silly.


ok thank you for admitting I was being trolled without your intervention to stop it, or punish those who were doing it to me , that is at least a good start on the road to reality.
Next week on reality check
The points is
that Sacha Baron Cohen bears no actual , TRUE, facial resemblance to Freddie Mercury

Really, how? What expert witness would you call?
no it is not subjective at all, it is provable fact, and surely you know it is.
All you would need is an artist maybe or if you want to be thought of as trustworthy lol,
in the more than possible scenario that the jury were equivalant to group of brainless grown chimps, you could bring in a scientifik expert familiar with the scientifc basis of facial recognition .
But your post again proves i am being trolled, for it is bleeding obvious he bears no ACTUAL resemblance and so it does not require anything other than honesty, like i said.

ok thank you for admitting I was being trolled without your intervention to stop it, or punish those who were doing it to me , that is at least a good start on the road to reality.
Punish them for teasing you? Particularly when you so readily invite it by berating them in response and showing pretension towards facts and proof that don't exist in this context? No sir. I feel no obligation to intervene in that sort of scenario. Perhaps teasing can turn to bullying in some cases, but it hasn't here. You've been giving as much as you've taken, and provoked plenty of it. You're not being bullied.

Would you listen if I tried to argue that it's acting skill and quality of impersonation that matters to a biopic, not physical resemblance? Jim Carrey bears practically no resemblance of Andy Kaufman, yet was lauded for his portrayal of the comedian in Man on the Moon. De Niro doesn't look a whole lot like Jake LaMotta. There are small to no similarities between George C. Scott and General Patton; Liam Neeson and Oskar Schindler; Colin Firth and George VI. Yet these are among the best biographical performances ever committed to the screen.

This guy you're so maniacally advocating, Jeremy Kapone? He has seven acting credits: Two TV movies, a short, and four foreign features, none of which have been released theatrically in the US or UK.

Cohen has 37, is a proven actor and impersonator, has written and starred in several films that are popular worldwide, and has worked with the likes of Martin Scorsese and Tom Hooper - both of whom have directed one of the biopics alluded to above.

I'm not sure why I'm trying to argue with you really. I'll return to sitting back and being amused by your antics now.

no it is not subjective at all, it is provable fact, and surely you know it is.
No, it isn't, and no, I don't. Repeating claims is not an argument.

Also, what of what I said about resemblance being an arbitrary requirement, anyway? You skipped right over that.

But your post again proves i am being trolled, for it is bleeding obvious he bears no ACTUAL resemblance and so it does not require anything other than honesty, like i said.
No, I think he bears a moderate resemblance. I think it's clear he bears a moderate resemblance.

The fact that you were being "trolled" does not mean we all secretly agree with you. We don't. The "trolling" here is not pretending to disagree, it's just teasing you over your insistence.

my cast as queen
radio ga ga
Levitt Kapone Abel and Harris

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