Movie Tab II


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
If you continue to behave in such a way I will add your name into my ignored user list.

Done. Now I don't need to be subjected to Mark F idiotic bickering anymore. I should have done so a year ago though.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
You're next, Minio! Eventually all Guaporense will see on the forums is a sparse few bots that post about movie watching sites, and AdamHanks, his alter-ego!

Finished here. It's been fun.

The Double Life of Veronique
I don't even think subtitles need to be read to fully enjoy a Kieslowski film. Simply surrender yourself to a whirlwind of gorgeous imagery and heavenly music. Superb film here.

Kill List
If i'm correct Cricket really loves this film, and I can definitely see why. It is a mysterious,challenging and very atmospheric thriller which slowly descends into madness. Everything starts out so normal, yet it progressively wanders into areas you would never expect. It doesn't spoonfeed answers, and I love that. I've been thinking about this one ever since I saw it.

The Exterminating Angel
Solid film, but I couldn't really get into it for whatever reason. Its gorgeously shot, and the premise is highly intriguing. I just felt indifferent towards it all.

This movie had no right being as good as it is. I expected it to be a cliche,sappy sports flick but I was wrong. Its a great character-driven film with excellent performances from everyone involved. This is a good old' fashioned sports flick that manages to hit all the right marks.

Journey to Italy
This one damn fine film, and an excellent display of a slowly deteriorating marriage. A great little melodrama with a beautiful Italian backdrop.


The People Vs.George Lucas
Interesting documentary about the rabid Star Wars fanbase.

25th Hour
Raw,honest,moving and in my eyes wonderful. Spike Lee's film follows a drug dealer who is about to be sentenced to 7-years in jail, and it follows him through his final 24-hours before being put behind bars. This is the best film that I've seen in the last several weeks, and I can see myself revisiting it many,many more times.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (Dwight Little, 2004)

WiseGirls (David Anspaugh, 2002)

Pinocchio (Roberto Benigni, 2002)
Kameradschaft aka Comradeship (G.W. Pabst, 1931)

After WWI, the new border is drawn, and a German mine is divided between both sides. When an explosion traps the French miners, some Germans try a rescue.
Luckytown (Paul Nicolas, 2000)

Cancel Christmas (John Bradshaw, 2010)

Teen Wolf Too (Christopher Leitch, 1987)
Woman in the Dunes (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964)

Teacher Eiji Okada finds himself trapped in a house in a sandpit with a widow Kyôko Kishida who’s been there for years.
What I Did for Love (Mark Griffiths, 2006)

Holiday from Rules? (William H. Murray, 1958)

The Lusty Men (Nicholas Ray, 1952)
Make Way for Tomorrow (Leo McCarey, 1937)

Strange as it may seem, losing their home of 50 years and having to go live at separate residences of their children lead Victor Moore and Beulah Bondi to spend a joyous second honeymoon together.
The Unholy Wife (John Farrow, 1957)

Amalfi Way (Richard Wright, 1955)

The Baby (Ted Post, 1973)
Love Streams (John Cassavetes, 1984)

Looks can be deceiving since this isn’t about some weird beastiality cult; it’s just John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands as oddball siblings vying for the award as Worse Parent Between Us.
Visiting Italy (James A. FitzPatrick, 1951)

The Outlaws Is Coming (Norman Maurer, 1965)

Midnight Heat aka Blackout (Allan A. Goldstein, 1996)

Promised Lands (Susan Sontag, 1974)

Following the Yom Kippur War of 1973, Sontag had access to battlefields, fresh graves, doctors and combat victims as well as the usual talking heads who recommend a two-state solution to Arab-Israeli violence. Some parts are boringly-predictable while others are hauntingly-powerful.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

The Double Life of Veronique
I don't even think subtitles need to be read to fully enjoy a Kieslowski film. Simply surrender yourself to a whirlwind of gorgeous imagery and heavenly music. Superb film here.
I'd rather surrender myself to Irène Jacob.

I'd rather be Irene Jacob's submissive in a kinky porn movie directed by Mr Minio.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
It would also include kinky Depardieu & BlueLion reach around scene, so think twice before you decide.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

No don't let the blood soaked psychopath hitchhiker into your van. No don't go into the old abandoned house. No do not go into the house filled with human bones that smells like dead people. Anddddd dead. This is the first slasher movie I've seen where the killer actually just stands still and the people come directly to his one room.

The photography is extremely crisp for such a low budget production (300k it says it was made on). The intro scene in particular was brilliant. Just as it's winding down and ceasing to be interesting it just goes completely nuts.


The best of Altman's ensemble style films I've seen (which is almost all of them I think). There are some genuinely gripping moments (the strip scene) and lots of smart dialogue, but most of the characters just stay as shallow caricatures. It feels like watching a season or two of a television series, compressed into a movie. After becoming quite accustomed to Altman's style, I saw lot of the stuff in the movie coming a mile away.

The Cabin in the Woods

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Easily one of the best movies this year, check this one out if you haven't.


Kill List
If i'm correct Cricket really loves this film, and I can definitely see why. It is a mysterious,challenging and very atmospheric thriller which slowly descends into madness. Everything starts out so normal, yet it progressively wanders into areas you would never expect. It doesn't spoonfeed answers, and I love that. I've been thinking about this one ever since I saw it.

This movie had no right being as good as it is. I expected it to be a cliche,sappy sports flick but I was wrong. Its a great character-driven film with excellent performances from everyone involved. This is a good old' fashioned sports flick that manages to hit all the right marks.

25th Hour
Raw,honest,moving and in my eyes wonderful. Spike Lee's film follows a drug dealer who is about to be sentenced to 7-years in jail, and it follows him through his final 24-hours before being put behind bars. This is the best film that I've seen in the last several weeks, and I can see myself revisiting it many,many more times.
I'm glad you liked these, Lucas; they're all favorites of mine. I certainly wouldn't go around recommending Kill List to other people because I just don't know who a movie like that is for. I think one thing is for sure though, it's bound to elicit some sort of reaction.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Red Riding Hood (Catherine Hardwicke, 2011)

Villa Rides (Buzz Kulik, 1968)

Band of Angels (Raoul Walsh, 1957)
The Outlaw Josey Wales (Clint Eastwood, 1976)

White men have been sneakin’ up on Chief Dan George for a long time, so why should Clint Eastwood be any different?
Bloody Mama (Roger Corman, 1970)

The Yellow Rolls-Royce (Anthony Asquith, 1964)

The Car That Became a Star (No Director Listed, 1965)

Broken Arrow (Delmer Daves, 1950)

Indian fighter James Stewart never thought about an Indian mother crying over her lost loved ones, but then he helps and spends time with the Apaches.
The Runaway (Arthur Allan Seidelman, 2000)

Beverly Hills Ninja (Dennis Dugan, 1997)

The Costume Designer (Tholen Gladden, 1950)

Hotel (Richard Quine, 1967)

Amid a possible hotel takeover, room burglaries and various business and personal crises, there’s still time for the semblance of a romance between general manager Rod Taylor and competitor’s girlfriend Catherine Spaak.
The Soiler (George Marshall, 1932)

For the Defense (John Cromwell, 1930)
I Found Stella Parish (Mervyn LeRoy, 1935)
Trouble in Paradise (Ernst Lubitsch, 1932)

Classy thief Herbert Marshall installs himself as personal secretary to wealthy businesswoman Kay Francis, and he and his girlfriend Miriam Hopkins plan to fleece her for big bucks, but Marshall has more in mind.
Jewel Robbery (William Dieterle, 1932)
Raffles (George Fitzmaurice, 1930)
Stranded (Framk Borzage, 1935)
Straw Dogs (Sam Peckinpah, 1971)

Mild-mannered mathematician Dustin Hoffman and his young sexpot wife Susan George live in the remote English countryside, but eventually they, or more accurately, he, must take a stand when the sanctity of their home is violated.

Being lazier than normally, but here we go. Please comment/discuss/ask me to expand on certain films and their ratings!

F for Fake (Orson Welles, 1973)

The Sugarland Express (Steven Spielberg, 1974)

American Graffiti (George Lucas, 1973)

Picnic at Hanging Rock (Peter Weir, 1975)

Enter the Dragon (Robert Clouse, 1973)

French Connection II (John Frankenheimer, 1975)

California Split (Robert Altman, 1974)

The Wolverine (James Mangold, 2013)

The Man Who Fell to Earth (Nicolas Roeg, 1976)

Brewster McCloud (Robert Altman, 1970)

The Wicker Man (Robin Hardy, 1973)

The Spirit of the Beehive (Víctor Erice, 1973)

Performance (Donald Cammell & Nicolas Roeg, 1970)

Images (Robert Altman, 1972)

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1974)

Being lazier than normally, but here we go. Please comment/discuss/ask me to expand on certain films and their ratings!

F for Fake (Orson Welles, 1973)

California Split (Robert Altman, 1974)

The Man Who Fell to Earth (Nicolas Roeg, 1976)

Brewster McCloud (Robert Altman, 1970)
Expand on these, please.

P.S. Full version or DVD version of California Split?
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

The Wolverine is a C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
Yeah. I watched it with my mum as she's a fan of the Wolverine and X-Men films, and it recently came on TV. It was decent, I liked the comic book/pulp feel that came with the Asian setting, some of the scenes were really stylish and cool. But the plot is a mess, especially towards the end, and the main villain (Viper) was irritatingly poorly conceived character and not particularly well acted either.

Expand on these, please.

P.S. Full version or DVD version of California Split?
F for Fake - Very interesting documentary/essay that's like nothing I've really seen before, it keep me intrigued with its variety of editing and narrative tricks, I found it quite informative and I think Welles achieves what he wants, but I couldn't see myself watching it over and over again for pure enjoyment.

California Split - (Edit: DVD version) Very enjoyable cool film about gambling, stylish with good chemistry between Gould and Seagal. About addiction and its problems, its very offbeat and unusual at times as Altman films are. Great use of sound as usual, especially the opening scene where Altman uses multiple layers to tell the story. Liked the ending which I think worked with what the film was going for. Did not fall in love with at as I have some other Altman films, but still very good.

The Man Who Fell to Earth - I think before you watch this film you'll probably know whether you will like it or not. Weird and not for everyone, but very interesting. David Bowie, who I love, is great in the main role as an alien coming to Earth to get water for his dying planet. I think you'd like it because of its overall message, the film criticises the world, modern corporations, greed, power, television, and deals with relationships, sex and addiction again.

Brewster McCloud - Really wasn't sure what to expect with this one because the film's description/plot makes it sound very weird and unusual. It's like nothing I've seen before which isn't surprising with Altman, whilst the story is quite ridiculous it's handled greatly. Interesting main character and story about life and humans, freedom, temptation, it's much more sad and human than I expected. Great sense of humour throughout with the police trying to hunt down the main character who is responsible for 'murders' around the town. It's hard to talk about this film really, you'll just have to watch it and see if you like it

Great, thanks.

I personally liked F For Fake a little more. I was truly hypnotized with Welles' fantastic and refreshing use of cuts and somehow the film's main "message" had an odd intellectual resonance for me.

I'll definitely watch the other three films in the near future. It's a pity I didn't get around to them before the deadline of the '70s list.