dead girl comes back home, drama, not horror, not Uninvited


A woman knocks at the door of a family. She pretends to be their daughter who died in a plane crash years ago.

I think it was black and white but I'm not sure.

I seen it a long time ago.

The plot sound interesting... so the family takes her in thinking she's their daughter? The closest I seen of this was in an episode of Law and Order SVU.

In the end it proves she's not their daughter and she came there to help them somehow but I don't remember exactly.

Hello Beck. Is it possible that the woman who turned up was a daughter-in-law and not a daughter? Also, are you really sure that this person had supposedly died in a plane crash and not some other mode of transport? It just that of know of such a film. Also, do you know roughly how old the movie was? You said it was probably black & white so I guess that makes it quite old.

I don't know exactly how old it is. I seen it in the 90s and I remember the gate in front of the house, when she comes there. It's an iron gate grill but I am pretty sure about the plane crash, she says she didn't board the plane.

It could be possible that the woman turned up to be a daughter-in-law. Just say any title you think could fit my description.

I'm pretty crazy about the title of this movie.

Beck, the movie I was thinking of is different in that it's a train crash and the girl who turns up at the house has stolen the identity of the real daughter-in-law. It's called "No Man of Her Own" from 1950 and there is a modern remake of the film called "Mrs. Winterbourne" from 1996. I doubt if it's what you are looking for but you might like to read the full descriptions from the IMDB site just in case.