Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

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Here is my review as well as a rant of the movie going experience:

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I enjoyed the movie, fun, cheesy and alot of great action scenes, good action film.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Loved it. Really tight script with great action and good comic timings.

Thought it was awesome the first time I saw it.

Just watched it again for a second time and it's still a lot of fun, but I did have a gripe about it. I kind of became distracted by the dialogue. There were times that I thought it was laughably generic (when the Nuclear Extremist guy tells his people what to do in that big computer room). At other times I felt like they were just feeding me a plot summary of what they are doing at that moment. Lots of stuff was super on the nose.

I get that they're spies and maybe, y'know, they gotta be direct all the time for brevity's sake. Maybe it's because they're always in a hurry. I guess it sounded like, to me, much of it was one meta-character's dialogue spread out amongst four(+) characters.

TLR: Continuously engaging, sometimes silly. A good, maybe not great, action film.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
Xbox Live: Proximiteh

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Some serious bribes are being handed out to critics if Rotten Tomatoes has it at 94% or whatever.

6/10 at best.

Just another movie Guru
Eh, it's not horrible. I've seen worse MI films..

Any movie that thinks using Limp Bizkit as their primary theme band is signed up for disaster. I thought GP was a great rounded story, however seeing Tom Cruises name ALL OVER EVERY ASPECT OF THE FILM was a bit obnoxious.

Ashdoc's review---

Tom cruise is on--as usual--on a mission that looks too impossible to accomplish .

A die hard nuclear terrorist has stolen the source codes for Russian nuclear weapons from the Kremlin , and completed a neat job by exploding a part of the Kremlin with bombs . And he intends to send a signal to Russian nuke submarines patrolling the oceans to fire their nukes on to America and start a nuclear war .

Tom Cruise has the task to stop him---at all costs....and against all odds , of course.....

And this leads to a long chase from Moscow to the sands of Dubai to the dusty streets of our very own amchi Mumbai.....

And its all packed with nonstop action---from climbing the world's tallest skyscraper in Dubai using ' sticky ' handgloves to falling down from it using a rope.....and then finding the rope too short to reach the floor Tom wants to reach , making him jump from megaheight to directly inside the building---just accurately enough.....

.......And immediately after the jump , an out of breath chase in a sandstorm , while Tom's partners , including a delectable black woman , indulge in shootings galore......

......And then to Mumbai for the delectable black woman to briefly romance Anil Kapoor , only to almost strangle him in bed---before continuing on the mission of course.....

One word about Mumbai and India---the movie thankfully moves away from stereotyped shots of beggars and children shitting on the streets that have marked Hollywood movies from Indiana Jones onwards , and shows the glamorous part of it .

The special effects are something to watch , and the action is fastpaced . But some of the stunts are frankly unbelievable .

Yeah---unbelievable , mission impossible......you get to see all unbelievable things become believable and impossible missions become possible in this movie......

Verdict---good for a one time watch .