How many times do you watch a movie?


If it's a great movie that I love, I can watch it over and over. But usually I only have the attention span for one watch, maybe two if its okya.

Once dude...just once

Registered User
I think I watch movies that I like more times that I should admit to. I know when I first got The Princess Bride I watched it at about twice a day the first week. Usually after a while I will get sick of a movie and will move on to something else and then will come back to it after some time has passed. It really depends on the movie and how well I liked it the first time around. If I didn't like it there is very little chance of me ever watching it again unless one of my friends puts it in when I am over. There has been on occasion though where I liked something way better the second time around than the first.

So I guess like a lot of people it really depends on how well I like it.

Registered User
On reflection, it's a funny thing that I would end up watching a movie multiple times at the cinema before it even arrives on DVD. This is not due to my obsession over every film I watch, merely a troubled timing when it comes to different groups of friends inviting me along. Now most people will say "Oh, I've already seen that" but I enjoy the company of different friends and each viewing tends to leave a different flavour according to the company I'm with. This provides a good grounding to my critique of films as it tends to broaden my perspective.

Most movies I only watch one time. But there are some that I can watch over and over and ...well alot!

Pretty much any musical I'll watch until I can repeat it word for word. Also serial movies like Harry Potters or Lord of the Rings..those I can watch repeatedly.

My husband however is an obsessive compulsive viewer, he can watch just about any movie countless times. (this is why I don't buy movies but rather rent them)
Herr Zeller: Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Captain - perhaps they would get further with you by setting their words to music.
Captain von Trapp: If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.

I'm with Holden on this one, if its a movie I really like, I'll watch it several times, sometimes several times in the course of one week... but if its something I completely despise I'll shut it off and not even give it the time of day, why should I?
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

usually once but all james cameron movies i have watched more than twice and i m sure i m going to avatar more than once