Music from Movies


Let's try to be broad-minded about this
So i was just scrolling through my itunes and realized that a large percentage of songs i got from either movie trailers or movies so i'm going to list mine and i was just curious to see what others had. In my car (i have a mini-van so i have to be the driver of my entire group all the time) i always find myself giving explanations for songs like, "And this song played during the credits of Fight Club" and stuff like that and yeah, i have a lot of songs from movies but i rarely actually buy whole soundtracks. And also note that i'm sure these songs have been around for way longer before the movie but either way everytime i listen to them they remind me of the movie that i heard them in and that's exactly why i love them so much because it just brings back whatever feeling i felt while watching them so it's most likely happy ^_^

They'll go in alphabetical order from musician

A.R. Rahman - The entire Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack
Air - Sexy Boy (10 Things i Hate About You party scene)
April March - Chick Habit (Death Proof dvd menu)
Barry Adamson - Something Wicked this Way Comes (Lost Highway)
Black Keys - When the Lights go Out (Black Snake Moan)
Cake - Short Skirt/Long Jacket (Chuck theme song)
Chester Bennington - System (Queen of the Damned, you won't meet anyone who hates that movie as much as i do but...good soundtrack =\)
CKY - 96 Quite Bitter Beings (Jackass towards the end somewhere)
Coasters - Down in Mexico (Death Proof lap dance haha)
Combichrist - This is My Rifle (So this didn't actually play in Full Metal Jacket but i had been listening to this song for years before i actually saw the movie and the repeated quote in this song is a remix of the Rifle chant and it starts out with "Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your rifles. You will give your rifle a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get." and i had no clue where it was from and so when i watched Full Metal Jacket my heart felt complete)
David Bowie - I'm Deranged (Lost Highway)
David Bowie - I don't even know the legitimate name of this song (The Labyrinth)
Deftones – Change (Queen of the Damned….i’m ashamed)
Devlins – World Outside (Closer when Natalie Portman is stripping, also on an HBO commercial)
Devotchka – How it Ends (Little Miss Sunshine)
Does it Offend You, Yeah? – We Are Rockstars (New Fast and the Furious commercial)
Elbow – Grounds for Divorce (Burn After Reading trailer)
Gary Jules – Mad World (Donnie Darko)
Hybrid – Choke (The Spirit trailer)
Jefferson Airplane – White Rabbit (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas)
Joy Division – Love Will Tear us Apart (Donnie Darko)
Kasabian – Club Foot (every action movie ever.)
Lively Ones – Surf Rider (Pulp Fiction)
M.I.A. – Paper Planes (Pineapple Express trailer and Slumdog Millionaire)
Marilyn Manson – I Put a Spell on You (Lost Highway)
Massive Attack – Teardrop (House)
Massive Attack – Angel (Snatch when Brad Pitt’s mom dies)
Muse – New Born (High Tension)
Muse – Shrinking Universe (28 Weeks Later trailer)
Muse – Take a Bow (Watchmen Trailer) all the Muse songs I listened to before I saw any of the movies so it is always a nice surprise because they end up in movies a lot
Notorious B.I.G. – Hypnotize (10 Things I Hate About You)
Pink Floyd – Another Brick in the Wall Pt2, Comfortably Numb, The Trial (The Wall)
Pixies – Where is my Mind? (Fight Club, when the credits role)
Psyche – Goodbye Horses (Silence of the Lambs, Buffalo Bill’s **** me song haha. That’s right…I listen to it for fun)
Queen (I’m not gonna get into how many Queen songs are in movies)
Robert Rodiguez – Main titles of Grindhouse
Rolling Stones (same thing as Queen, tons of songs in tons of movies)
Shins – New Slang (Gardenstate)
Simon & Garfunkel – Mrs. Robinson, The Sound of Silence (The Graduate)
Smashing Pumpkins – The Beginning is the End is the Beginning (Watchmen trailer)
Stealers Wheel – Stuck in the Middle with You (Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Blonde’s torture song)
Stranglers – Golden Brown (Snatch when Mickey knocks out Gorgeous George)
Sublime – lots
Susumu Hirasawa – Meditational Field, Parade (Paprika)
Tears for Fears – Head Over Heels (Donnie Darko)
Three Dog Night – Easy to be Hard (Zodiac)
Urge Overkill – Girl You’ll be a Woman Soon (Pulp Fiction)
Xzibit – Paparazzi (one of the songs played on the Sopranos dvd menu)
Zombie Nation – (Shaun of the Dead)

And the Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels soundtrack

Some soundtracks I like...

"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Hattori_Hanzo's Avatar
Registered User
On a different vein, I really like the Gladiator soundtrack.
You must have big rats if you need Hattori Hanzo's steel.

-Hattori Hanzo

I don't buy many soundtracks but the ones i do like:

Cruel Intentions
10 Things I Hate About You
Stand By Me (which reminds me has to go into my top 10 movie list!)
Almost Famous

I heard The Matrix soundtrack once and oh god i wanted to rip my ears off!
Oh leggie blonde you got it goin on
wanna see you wearin that thong thong thong,
see you get it on till the break of dawn
mermermer... panties on.