messangerthug's overlooked movies


Yoda's thread of overlooked movies got me thinking of some movies (that he didnt mnetion obviously (dont know if he saw any of them or not)) that I personally felt were overlooked so with his permission i start my own thread

1. Mystery Men 1999

Mystery Men is a 1999 comedy film directed by TV commercial director Kinka Usher. It starred William H. Macy, Ben Stiller, and Hank Azaria as a trio of lesser superheroes with fairly unimpressive superpowers who need to save the day.

In the fictional metropolis of Champion City, three men (Mr. Furious (Ben Stiller), The Shoveler (William H Macy), and the Blue Raja (Hank Azaria)) attempt to make a name for themselves as heroes, but find themselves upstaged by the well-sponsored Captain Amazing (Greg Kinnear). However, Amazing is finding that his skill at capturing villains has left the city with virtually no crime, and his sponsors are threatening to end their deals. In order to create a need for a superhero, Amazing uses his alter ego, the billionaire lawyer Lance Hunt, to argue for the release of the insane Casanova Frankenstein (Geoffrey Rush). The plan backfires; once reunited with Tony P and his Disco Boys, Frankenstein blows up the insane asylum, captures Amazing, and sets his sights on creating a doomsday device, the "Psycho-frakulator" which can bend reality. Mr. Furious, while spying on Frankenstein's mansion, discovers Amazing's abduction, and tells the others. The three realize they need more allies, and through word-of-mouth and try-outs, they bring aboard The Spleen, Invisible Boy (Kel Mitchell (ahhh the days when Nickelodeon wasnt crap)), and the Bowler. The newly formed team, fumbling over each other, attempt save Captain Amazing and Stop Casanova before it is too late.

I defintly felt this to be a VERY underrated film brilliant dialouge by an all star cast some cool action sequences and just overall a fun film....thats the problem today people cant apperciate and all around fun film anymore and thets why its on this list

(if memory serves this was actually the first movie i ever saw with Ben Stiller)

2. The Man (2005)

A man named Andy Fiddler (Eugene Levy) in his bathroom, preparing a speech. He works for a dental supply company, and lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He will soon be giving a speech to investors in Detroit, and is very nervous.
At Detroit, ATF agent Derrick Vann (Samuel L. Jackson), whose partner was recently murdered, is trying to retrieve some guns that were stolen from a federal armory, and are soon to be sold. After a visit to his informant Booty (Anthony Mackie) (who is later gunned down), he sets up a buy. He is to go to a diner and be reading a USA Today. Unfortunately, Andy is in the diner, and his favorite newspaper is USA Today. A menacing Englishman (Luke Goss) sits next to him and hands him a paper bag with “his taste” in it then leaves. Andy pulls a cell phone out of it, then a gun, which the waitress sees and thinks Andy's holding the place up. That's when Vann walks into the diner and cuffs him. Soon, Vann realizes that the gun traffickers mistook Andy for him, and drags Andy along with him. The cell phone that Fiddler receives rings, with the menacing Brit, whose name we later find out is Joey, is on the other end of the line. He wants “Turk” (the pseudonym that Vann used when setting up the buy) to drop $20,000 dollars in a certain trash can. Vann reveals that he has the money, and needs Fiddler to drop it long story short Fiddler keeps screwing it up and basically he and Vann are forced to work together to solve the case but Fillder annoys the crap out of Vann cuase he wont shut up!!!!

i was really pissed at how over looked this film was it was freakin hilarious and levy and jackson were the perfect team for this i fully reccomend this film

3. Evolution (2001)

College professor Ira Kane (Fox Mulder himself DAVID DUCHOVNY) is invited by geology teacher/girls' volleyball coach Harry Block to investigate a meteorite that has crashed through the surface rock into a network of underground caverns under the sleepy town of Glen Canyon, Arizona. They collect a sample and find that it consists extraterrestrial single-celled nitrogen-based organisms, which evolved into multi-celled organisms by the time Ira gets Harry to his office to see the discovery they made.
Impressed, the two take the science class to survey the meteor site, where the primeval ooze from meteor has rapidly evolved to consist of oxygen-converting fungi and alien flatworms that thrive on the converted atmosphere. However, the military research, led by General Russell Woodman, whom Ira worked for for five years ago before he was discharged, managed to learn of his finding via tapping his computer and attempt to control the situation, locking Ira and Harry out. When they protest, Allison Reed (Jodie Foster's "Hannibal Lecter" replacement (her name escapes me)) of the Center for Disease Control reveals in a 2-week court settlement that Ira oversaw a disastrous field test of a new anthrax vaccine that caused debilitating and humiliating side-effects in the test subjects - referred as "Kane Madness."
Meanwhile, the evolving aliens had taken advantage of the caverns under Glen Canyon and began to pop up at the surface, vainly attempting to adapt while attacking any human that crosses their path. They are assisted further by Wayne Grey, a young firefighter trainee who was the first to encounter the meteor. At a meeting, Allison reveals the aliens' incredible growth rate makes them inherently uncontrollable and could over-populate the USA in a matter of weeks. The threat is decided to be combated with napalm. Now Caine Block and Reed must find a solution fast and save their town and maybe the world.. (almost forgot sean william scott is in this too plus when things are winding down look for a suprise apperance by none other than Dan Aykroyd)

THIS THING WAS FREAKIN HILARIOUS to sum it up i just dont understand the genreal public sometimes a great spoof and like mystry men another fun film see my review on that for my take o n that matter

4. BOBBY (2006)

a (IMO) very insightful look into the assaination of Robert Kennedy directed by Emilo Estevez starring him as well as

Nick Cannon
Lawrence Fishburne (Morpheus)
Heather Graham
Anthony Hopkins
Helen Hunt
Joshua Jackson (Fringe)
Ashton Kutcher
Shia Lebouf
Lindsay Lohan
Elijah Wood
William H Macy
Martin Sheen
and Chrisitan Slater

set in the hotel where he was shot that very day he makes his final speech

I quite enjoyed Evolution myself, but it's been forever since I've seen it though. I'm going to have to track down a copy of it on DVD so I can watch it again. Bobby was pretty good as I remember, but it's not one that I think I'd go out and buy it, unless it's one sale or something.

well i didnt say bobby was the gratest movie ever i jsut said it deserved a bit more than it got

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!

You say that Bobby deserves more attention than it got, but you wrote one sentence about it and failed to even say why you feel it was overlooked.

If you were to ask me and I had no idea what movies were, I would tend to look at the other three, simply because you barely even touched on Bobby.

Oh, and I think everyone and their momma knows who Laurence Fishburne is, you don't have to put that he played Morpheus in some small time flick. I mean, who's Nick Cannon and Heather Graham?
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Mystery Men is a great film.

Overlooked because it is only in Spanish: Mortadelo y Filemon. I did a review:

Sound of Thunder. A great film which shows what can go wrong with time travel.

The Arrival 1 & 2. Almost human aliens, great story and some good special effects.

The Avengers. It was just like the TV show but strangely did not go down well.

Taxi 1-4. Usually only in French with English subtitles but lots of dry humour and laughs.

Hostel 1. Gruesome but brilliant.
All secrets are safe with this man, because none are as deadly to him as his own. His secret is that he is Richard Kimble. (The Fugitive - Conspiracy of Silence)

The Batman fan films, notably Grayson. Robin after Batman has been killed.

Patient J. What makes the Joker's mind tick, tick, boom!

Batman : Dead End. A battle between Batman and the Joker is interrupted by the Predator and Aliens.