Die Hard


awesome movies..i like all

Movie Forums Extra
Yeah, this movie was awesome!


I went off Bruce Willis a bit after 9/11 when he was invited to the UK and was effectively hiding in his cellar because he was scared of flying in case he got blown up. I was somewhere in Asia when I heard this. No religious madman is going to stop me going on holiday.
All secrets are safe with this man, because none are as deadly to him as his own. His secret is that he is Richard Kimble. (The Fugitive - Conspiracy of Silence)

Die Hard is my favorite christmas movie!

great movie...have yet to see the new one, but of its anything like the others i'm sure it's good...
"Empire had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets." - Dante Hicks

my fav die hard part


If you are a guy and dont like The Die Hard Movies then there is something wrong with you!!!Or you are not an American,they should make you watch Die Hard to become a citizen!! The guy with the beard that Mclane catches doing coke is awesome.(I think his name is ellis)He plays the best arrogant prick!!!

If you are a guy and dont like The Die Hard Movies then there is something wrong with you!!!Or you are not an American,they should make you watch Die Hard to become a citizen!! The guy with the beard that Mclane catches doing coke is awesome.(I think his name is ellis)He plays the best arrogant prick!!!
If you're a guy and don't like Die Hard movies, then you must be literate. As for learning citizenship from Die Hard, that would be like learning social skills from Mother Goose.

Simple, up until that time action movies and their heroes were invincible rampage killers. Die Hard put an average Joe in the shoes of a hero. Battered and bruised, etc. After its success, the action industry saw an explosion of similar films. Also, the whole "trapped in one setting deal" was another thing that reinvented the genre. For awhile after the movie came out writers and directors started calling the new action films like "Die Hard on a boat, Die Hard on a bus, Die Hard on a train." The action industry was changed over night because of Die Hard. Not only that, but the pay role of actors jumped because of it, too. Yea, Die Hard is quite epic in terms of action and films in general.
As for Willis "reinventing" the genre as you said in your original post, I don't think he as an actor can take credit for the script that determined the plot, setting, and characters. He just had the good fortune to be cast in a lucrative role that--by its very nature with special effects and stuntmen performing the action scenes--required a minimum of his time on screen.

You wanna talk battered and bruised, first watch a screening of Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront. Or even Brando in The Chase. You wanna talk about actor's payrolls, compare Willis' salary for that film with what Brando got for about 10 minutes work in Superman. The "trapped in one setting deal" has been around for years--Chaplin used it when he was trapped by a snowstorm in an Alaskan hut; Hitchcock used it in Lifeboat. It appeared again in both the original and the remake of The Haunting. All the action takes place in an airplane in The High and The Mighty, plus the whole Airport series. It was there in Das Boot and virtually every film ever made about submarines or the Titanic and any number of films where everyone is on a boat, like Ship of Fools.

As for copycat films trying to grab the coattails of box-office hits, look at all of those following Jaws and Smokey and the Bandit. Sorry, I just don't see any trailblazing pioneer work in Die Hard.

my fav die hard part

Yeah, that was probably the best writing in the whole script.

good movie, not what i'd consider a life altering film...but for an action movie, it's hard to beat!

The films are what they are, and never pretend to be anything but. I'm a big fan and think that the first one was a great influence on the action genre. As for the third, Die Hard With A Vengeance, I know that parts of it are implausible, and that the two heroes will make it out alive, but I still love it. Something about the chemistry between Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson has me watching this movie more than the others. The second is not as bad as some would make it out to be, in fact it's not bad at all. As for the fourth, what do you expect, Hollywood has been out of ideas for years, but I still liked it. It was what it was.