Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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I didn't like it too much since it left out ALOT from the book! There were things that were different and totally screwed up. I wish that the fight scene was longer like it was in the book.
Yeah!!.. And they don't include the part where Dumbledore let the statues move in the Wizingamot territory......but I like the character that played Nymphadora Tonks and Umbridge that frogface woman!!...

Arguably the worst "Harry Potter" installment. Why am I giving it a good rating, nonetheless? Aside from being weird, I believe that even though it's weaker than its predecessors, the film had so many things to deal with because it is the longest book. So, I'm deciding to give it a break. It's not a bad movie at all. It's good but it's not magnificient (or as great as the others). This film is the darkest, meanest, and most threatening of them all--which overall, I approve in its direction. Still, I can't help but notice that the sense of wonder and humour that we enjoyed in the past were all gone. It makes me question whether the last two movies should get darker. I was taken aback during the first scene because it had a horror-thriller feel to it. I loved the flashbacks from the past. It made me realize how much the "Harry Potter" series has evolved over the years.

3 out of 4 stars.
I was one of the insatiables. The ones you'd always find sitting closest to the screen. Why do we sit so close? Maybe it was because we wanted to receive the images first--when they were still new, still fresh; before they cleared the hurdles of the rows behind us; before they'd been relayed back from row to row, spectator to spectator; until worn out, secondhand, the size of a postage stamp, it returned to the projectionist's cabin. Maybe, too, the screen was really a screen. It screened us... from the world.
-- Matthew in "The Dreamers"

Registered User
The film is great but it's the weakest among the series..The 'magic' element it created from it's predecessors was gone.. hope that the next film will bring back the wonder and humor (as Franz said) we enjoyed before..

Arguably the worst "Harry Potter" installment. Why am I giving it a good rating, nonetheless? Aside from being weird, I believe that even though it's weaker than its predecessors, the film had so many things to deal with because it is the longest book.
I agree about what you said but don't you think that they can make this much great if they make it at least a 3 and a half hour movie like LOTR. Even though it was that long the viewer still enjoys them right....anyway it just me!!!!............

Next to The Goblet of Fire, this was probably my favourite of the HP movies...
True, there's tons left out, but not as much as I thought they left out from Prizoner of Azkaban.
I was just plain PO'ed after I saw that one.

Movie Forums Extra
Nice movie

But not better than other harry potter movies

I liked chamber of secrets more than other ones.

I am a huge fan of the books and especially the movies. This was by no means the worst of the 5 movies. The filmmakers have to cut some things from the books, otherwise you would be sitting in the theater for 4 hours, and I don't think anyone wants to do that. This is why they are making the seventh installment into two separate films. The most disappointing movie, imo would have to be Goblet of Fire. It wasn't because they left a lot out of the movie. It was because they changed the story a little. Some of the things that happened in the movie didn't happen in the book.

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Arguably the worst "Harry Potter" installment.
hardly surprising, considering it was the weakest of the books, as well.

despite all of its faults, my least favorite Harry Potter movie is The Prisoner of Azkaban, which in my opinion is a great big mess. i think the main problem with the film was, the director was trying so hard to keep everything in it, but wasn't willing to let the movie slide over the 2-hour mark too much. i'd prefer it if they'd cut things out, then try to stuff everything into 130 minutes worth of film.