Survivor 4


Alright, who saw the first episode? Any thoughts? No, "damn, I hope Playboy makes Sarah an offer" most definitely does not count. I'm liking Sean...intelligent, reasonable guy, I think...though I admit that little baptismal-esque thing in the water was a bit over the top.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Didn't watch it, I think it's kinda overplayed now. First one was good, the rest just went downhill.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Sorry, but Sean definately has to go. He is almost as bad as Dirk from Survivor 1 with his religious crap. Jesus guided the raft? Is he that dense? He may not be used to the sea, but what they did to get to the island wasn't exactly miraculous. Anyhow, the guy bugs me more than someone in a movie theater yelling out every funny line before it happens.

And yes, we need to get Sarah into a huge nude pictorial. I don't think we will have to wait long, because I get the feeling she got booted quite early.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

When she gets booted probably has little to do with the pictorial. It'll probably come, if it does, that is, after the entire show's over regardless of when she was booted. Religious crap? Look, it was a little over the top, but if anything it's only a somewhat overblown sense of what happened. No, it wasn't miraculous, but it also needs to be kept in mind that it was probably 20 times more difficult than it appeared to be. I've no doubt most of the things they do on there are. We see it take place in 5 minutes, though.

I hope Sean sticks around. Overall he seems reasonable, intelligent, and just all-around nice. Say what you like; I respect him more than most of the others I've seen so far.

I don't see the reasonability or intelligence, but maybe I will as the show goes on. Who knows?

You don't see it? How about the fact that he hasn't allowed himself to be blinded by Sarah's rack? That's more than can be said for most men, I'd imagine. Nice signature, BTW.

He seems more affected by her rack than most of the contestents, just not in a real positive way.

Well, naturally, you knew what I meant. He knows she's nothing more than eye candy, and hasn't allowed himself, I don't think, to be "fooled" by it. Like I said: I doubt that ability is highly common among this gender. He's also a teacher. You might disagree...I think he's a bright guy, and here's hoping he does well.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Did some searching and found one.

It's off of a Survivor fan site so that explains the text in the middle of the picture.

Click image for larger version

Name:	sarah.jpeg
Views:	207
Size:	14.3 KB
ID:	96  

Yep, that's her...though the real excitement was over this bikini thing she wore. It was hardly the kind of thing a castaway ought to be wearing. Anyway, she's been pretty useless so far, but it got her a few votes. We shall see if she shapes up at all.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
There was a picture of the "tribe" and she had a swimsuit on that looked real good, all black, but you could be talking about something entirely different.

A new Survivor.

I'll be sure to keep watching this thread so that I can be ahead of the rest of Australia when it begins screening.

Suprising it hasn't started already. We're currently watching the first ever Australian Survivor. They've got it tough...

Unlike the American version, the Australians don't start with any food or water and they are never [b]given[/i] food and water -- only lemon squash after the reward challenge -- and only if they win.

Or something along those lines. I prefer the American version, myself.

The latest American Survivor is doing the same thing. No food, and they have to get their own water, even though there is a water source close to each camp.

mightymose's Avatar
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I think the general idea all along was to not help this people out, but after they started literally starving on national television the network decided they had best do something about it. The show pulls in the ratings, but if the cast aways started falling by the wayside due to lack of food the network's numbers might slip This environment looks a bit more hospitable so the 'no food or water' rule shouldn't really be as powerful as it would have been in Africa.

One thing I've noticed is that it doesn't really seem like some of these people have ever watched the damn show before! I never understand why people come to the game and start either bossing people around or start acting in a completely fruity (not in that way!) manner... haven't they noticed that usually gets you booted

I'm not to sure what to think of Sean. So far it doesn't seem as if he has contributed much, but you never know what they aren't showing us. Rob seems like a complete and total idiot, though he might be funny to watch. I really like Hunter (the Fed Ex pilot), though I'm not sure he'll last long. He's likable, but might prove to be too dominant.

Sarah just bugs the hell out of me and I hope she gets booted in a hurry. Sure she's nice to look at, but girls like that really bug me. Speaking of women, has anyone noticed the lack of 'cute' ones! Sure most of the women on the show are attractive, but I didn't really notice anyone like Colleen... maybe it's just me, but I'm not so sure this season is going to be as fun

Just some thoughts!

Sure she's nice to look at, but girls like that really bug me.

How on Earth do you get through each day?!

mightymose's Avatar
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I've got a beautiful wife to look at

Honestly though... I have nothing against women that look good, but the ones that know they look good and use it to their advantage get on my nerves. I've dated a few of them and it gets old really fast... Just jaded I guess!

Good episode tonight. My family taped it and watched it again right away, and so did I, since I missed the first showing. They were all talking about how shocking it was...while they were voting at the end, though, I snatched a pen and a piece of paper, wrote down a name, and stuck it in my pocket. When the vote was revealed, they asked me if I was surprised, so I pulled out the slip of paper and held it up. Naturally, I nailed it. Boo ya'll.

That was a piss poor immunity challenge tonight. I'm not saying Maraamu didn't do a better job, but having a subjective judgment like that is silly, especially when you know the runners of the show wouldn't want an 8 onn 3 situation. "Ok, Captain. Which is more noticable?" I mean, would anyone likely miss 4 people running around swinging ores with colorful clothing tied on top? This one smells very funny to me. Oh well.