Terminator 4: Potential Hit or Definite Flop?


This is Bat Country!
No hard feelings =]..just dont diss Miss Connor again hee hee
Im trying to listen to the new Robert Palmer Tape..But Evelyn, my supposed fiancee keeps buzzing in my ear...

I think it could be totally awesome, however intimately it will probably come down to the director, rather than the script. I'm sure that in many other peoples hands even the mighty T2 would have been a bit of a sober affair. T3 at the time had the potential to really rock, but ultimately it was pretty much painting by numbers stuff. If they make T4 really dark and grim (much like Chris Nolan did with Batman Begins) then it could be a very 'coverfeild' type experience. I mean I’d be pretty dam scared if I had a terminator in my face, but I never got that vibe at all from T3!

This is Bat Country!
I just have my fingers crossed tight.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im really hoping this film will be just as good as the first 2 terminator films, not like that massive mistake "Rise of the machines" but only time will tell. With the money from WB im sure it will be visually stunning but I hope it wont be boring and limp in the story. Ive heared a few rumors that Vin Diesal or The Rock is going to play Terminator, I beg the producers PLEASE dont cast any of these two chumps. They would not be able to pull off the Terminator. Bring back Arnie, yes he may need a zimmer frame, but he is the original terminator by far!!
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I agree!

with Christian Bale in the film I'm kinda hoping it will be like a lot of his other films and that is good
Earnest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I believe the second part.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im looking forward to this film I hope its going to be a hit, and im hoping to its going to revert back to how awsome the second film was, BUT there is always that feeling that they are going to ruin the whole thing just like the 3rd. So I live in hope!

*fingers crossed*