Jacquie's take on Gone Baby Gone.

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Maybe there’s no right or wrong decisions, people choose what they believe they have to do, Patrick finally chose to report the crime even though he knew Amanda can be better off with Doyle( Morgan Freeman), even though he promised Helene that he would find her daughter ,things turned out quite different from he had expected. Amanda can have a better life staying away from her mother, and Helene wasn’t very much broken down when her daughter is missing, and not very much in gratitude when she had her daughter back eventually. Angie Gennaro is right, PEOPLE don’t change, not that easy. They are who they are. I like the ending, Patrick and Amanda sitting on the couch, not many words, but the scene already speaks for itself, Helene isn’t changed and there’s not any sign for her to change in the years to come, everything just goes back to the beginning, Amanda’s life isn’t changed either. Except that Doyle and Lionel are put into prison for doing the wrong thing for the right reason, and Remy Bressant got killed for being a good person, all these sacrifices went to no avail, just for a promise that was made without fully awareness of the situation of the abducted girl. I understand Patrick, but he could have made a different choice after talking with Lionel, especially after hearing the beach story that well depicts how unfit Helene was as a mother, and after seeing how joyous Amanda was around Doyle. He chose a life for Amanda, but he could have taken Amanda’s feeling into account.

Anyway, I like the story, and it’s a great surprise that Ben Affleck can be this good as a director. Honestly, I was a little bored watching the first part, though I knew there would be a twist after everybody's convinced that Amanda died. But what followed was exciting and much more captivating. It was somewhat like watching The Prestige.

And the city, namely,the scenery, the bar, and everything,make me feel resonated with the character's feelings. I don't have good enough command of English to make myself crystal clear about what i want to say, I guess. But I really love this film, at least, i made this very clear.

It's a good thing I haven't seen the movie. I wouldn't want it spoiled or anything...
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

ReservoirPup's Avatar
Stuck in the middle with you.
I tried to watch it a li'l while ago but it was late and they overdid the swearign in the frist 30 mins or so but I'm gonna give it another chance as soon a spossible because this was my most anticipated movie of 2007.