Need help to ID a surreal movie.


A while ago (about a year and a half) I stumbled upon a youtube user who uploaded various obscure French movies, and a lot of unknown (to me) and brilliant movies too.

One of the movies was an art movie which I loved so much I saved it, I also saved some interesting screen shots from it for some sketches I was going to do, unfortunately
my drive fell victim to a virus and I lost the movie along with my bookmarks to the users page, I can't remember the director or the name of the movie (due to complete ignorance of the French language along with my atrocious memory).

Below are the eye pleasing screens, could someone please help identify the movie or the director? If they don't look familiar, I remember one of the scenes was someone walking across the horizon... and a tree if I remember rightly...


From what I remember reading about it afterwards, it's classed as one of the first horror movies, or psychological horror movies. It was filmed in the 60's too I think although my memory may be serving me completely erroneous information.

Anyway any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

sorry I have no Idea so I can't help but would like to know too. Those screenshots look pretty awesome haha.

The music from that youtube video is quite similar, it has the same atmosphere, but it's a LOT more surreal like a lot of the things are hard to identify, there's lots of people in masks and stuff.

If i remember right a woman spills a glass of water or something like that, and it keeps cutting back to it as it slowly advances to the edges of the table... I think there's a bath in it too... a tin bath... this is bugging me SO much.

Thanks for your help, that Dali one looks insane! *Goes to watch*

The director wasn't anyone as well know (to the public) as Dali. If that helps... I'll try to find out more anyway.