What is the Best Animated Film you have seen?


What is the Best Animated Film you have seen?
21 votes
computer animated films
20 votes
animated such as disney
2 votes
i dont know what this option thing is. any help?
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All the Snout...Twice the Ointment.
"Fantasia". It made me cry. There, I said it.
"Not everyone who drinks is a poet. Some of us drink because we're not poets." - Dudley Moore, "Arthur"

Jungle Book holds a special place for me, and is one of my all time fav's.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

The Nightmare Before Christmas
I was recently in an independent comedy-drama about post-high school indecision. It's called Generation Why.

See the trailer here:

Movie Forums Critic
Computer animated films for me


Toy Story without a doubt. Still holds up very well due to the fact that it was innovative in its use of computer animation. The story, themes and comedy in that certainly take the piss out of latter animated efforts..

Oh, and yes, it's a LOT better than Toy Story 2. I've never stood why people prefer that to the original where the original is so obviously superior in it's narrative and developed characters.

Heavy Metal

Registered User
Princess Mononoke-This is a true gem in the Japanese anime spirit; should be included with Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle, IMO.

My best animated film are:

Finding Nemo
Shrek 1,2,3

But my best among the rest is "Final Fantasy VII: Advent of Children", this movie is adsolutely cool....

I grew up on and prefer the Disney cartoon features. Always liked the "never grow up" concept of Peter Pan and still watch it occasionally. The original feature-length cartoon, "Snow White" still stands up well. Disney's cartoon version of Sleepy Hollow was both more frightening and funnier than the Johnny Depp remake. Beauty and the Beast was the first cartoon nominated for the Best Picture Oscar. Nice score and the stage production was even better.

The combination of live action and cartoons in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and Song of the South was very imaginative. Lady and the Tramp has class. Aladdin was hip, especially its musical score, and is one of only two movies in which Robin Williams proved to be an asset, the other being La Cage Whatever

On the other hand, once you've seen Ice Age, there's no need to run it again, much less Ice Age II. And Pocahontas, Mulan, and The Little Mermaid were just sappy, aside from some neat calypso in Mermaid. That stupid song from Pocahontas almost drove me postal!

In another thread, someone said something about people objecting to the big eyes of Japanese anime, but it's not the eyes that bother me--its those little Speed Racer mouths that seem to be the only thing moving. In Japanese anime, the eyes never widen in surprise or narrow in anger, beards and hair never move in the breeze, facial expressions are frozen as though everyone has overdosed on botox, and nothing moves in the background. Reved car engines don't vibrate, dust and trash never stir in the breeze. All they do is fly through the air and rapidly move those little mouths! Boring!

sailor moon hahahah.

Lion King, Yo!
Things never stay the same!

Welcome to the human race...
Akira is my favourite animated film ever. The definitive animé, with fluid animation that still manages to look awesome 20 years on, from the opening bike chases to the final scenes of mutation and destruction.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Oh, and yes, it's a LOT better than Toy Story 2. I've never stood why people prefer that to the original where the original is so obviously superior in it's narrative and developed characters.
Perhaps it is better in those respects, but Toy Story 2 is just funnier.

"No, Buzz, I am your father!"

Finding Nemo-Is the best,the humor is great and the CG brought pixar to another level

Happy Feet-I Love penguins
I'm in movie heaven

You disappeared for a while....
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Jungle Book holds a special place for me, and is one of my all time fav's.
Well, that's one film we agree on, 7thson. Any movie that combines the talents of Phil Harris, Louie Prima, and George Sanders has got to be GREAT! Plus I took my daughter to see it when she was very small. In the scene where Baloo seemed to have been killed, I looked over at her and she had these big tears on her cheeks. Made me cry, too.