New Member Titles


MovieForums Extra

Good stuff sunfrog, the first real suggestions

Oh yeah, keep wacko, add Guru, love that title!

MovieForums Insomniac
MovieForums Critic
MovieForums Superstar
MovieForums Baby
MovieForums Toddler
MovieForums Squirrel Jumper (I don't know where that came from either)
MovieForums Demi-god
MovieForums Extra
MovieForums Best Boy
MovieForums Conspirator

Come on people, think of some!

I really love one of those titles, but I won't say which - you'll simply see me post it as the highest title possible when I make the changes.

MovieForums Extra

Let me guess, Movie Forums Demi-God??

MovieForums Extra

Aww hurry up and change them, I'm dying of curiosity now that you've mentioned it

One of those I thought up just for you Twt.
I'm not saying which one.

MovieForums Extra

...I'm still guessing! Let's see, Movie Forums Insomniac is Chris' title? Pretty obvious!

Here are the new titles!

MovieForums Extra (Posts: 0)
MovieForums Stage-Hand (Posts: 20)
MovieForums Member (Posts: 50)
MovieForums Critic (Posts: 100)
MovieForums Insomniac (Posts: 200)
MovieForums Addict (Posts: 300)
MovieForums Wacko (Posts: 500)
MovieForums Squirrel Jumper (Posts: 1000)

Yup, that's right! I love "Squirrel Jumper" - it's totally bizzare. So bizzare that only someone with 1,000 posts deserves the title!

The only thing is that it's gonna be awhile until we see alot of these because the most active posters are almost all Moderators.

Do you think the Moderators should have normal titles like everyone else? Or should they keep their title?

MovieForums Extra

WOW I love these titles!! So much better and true to the theme of the site than the old ones!!

Squirrel Jumper! For a moment I thought there was some joke that I was slow to catch on, but it's plain outright ridiculous! Definitely for someone with 1000 posts!

I reckon Moderators should keep their titles, unless they specifically want to change them. That way we can tell who's who

By the way Chris, is there any way to slip in Guru at around 400 posts?? I still think it has a good vibe to it!

Hey everyone, I'm an Insomniac I really got to get a life!

MovieForums Extra

Cheers Chris

ROTFL!! I have no idea where Squirrel Jumper came from. I was just sitting here trying to think of stuff and it popped in my head. LOL! Oooh, that's so funny! WOO HOO!!
I love the new titles!

MovieForums Extra

LOL sunfrog, of course you do, more than 3/4 of them are yours Good going!
Black Holes Suck!