What's your favorite powerful moment?


All of M's movies contain, at least in my opinion, a scene or a moment that is very powerful. The scene that, in all of his movies, had the largest impact on me was Cleveland's catharsis when he was not only healing Story, but healing himself. This is the moment that he references later when he says that she saved his life again.

That moment is just so gripping to me because it was so much pain that held inside and he was able to get out and basically given another life. Admittedly, I teared up the 3 times I in this scene and I even knew it was coming!!

What is your favorite poweful moment in an MNS film and why?

And I can understand if it's difficult to find just one because each of his movies has these types of scenes for me, and mulitple scenes in each!!

Originally Posted by sifusco
All of M's movies contain, at least in my opinion, a scene or a moment that is very powerful. The scene that, in all of his movies, had the largest impact on me was Cleveland's catharsis when he was not only healing Story, but healing himself. This is the moment that he references later when he says that she saved his life again.

That moment is just so gripping to me because it was so much pain that held inside and he was able to get out and basically given another life. Admittedly, I teared up the 3 times I in this scene and I even knew it was coming!!

What is your favorite poweful moment in an MNS film and why?

And I can understand if it's difficult to find just one because each of his movies has these types of scenes for me, and mulitple scenes in each!!
Your right, their are way too many scenes to choose from lol. I Would love to say the "Dinner" scene in the film Signs, is my favorite, because of how genuine it was. Or the "Asthma Attack" scene.

But their is another scene that I really connected to. The last scenes of the film when, Graham carries Morgan out to the backyard in his arms. He stabs the needle into his sons leg and delivers the medicine. Bo and Merrill can only watch and hope. Graham is praying with all his heart that his son isn't taken away from him.

You just see the powerful emotions in their face. That pure sadness. Then when you hear that voice from Morgan and you see the surprised look on everyones face, you know something amazing has happened. The boy is alive. That scene touched every emotion possible in me. Fear, hope, sadness....

The Adventure Starts Here!
Definitely for me it was the dinner scene in "Signs." It was such a powerful emotional scene ... so horrible and so desperate, yet so mundane.

When Graham gets momentarily very selfish and just starts eating all the food himself, out of sheer frustration and desperation, it's a singularly awful moment. It's so well done I can barely watch it any time I'm watching that movie. To see an otherwise unselfish man have his ideas and life so ripped out from under him (feeling that way mostly due to his powerlessness to stop it) was so realistic that you really do hate him for that brief moment when you see his children fighting back tears right in front of him.

Ugh ... it was almost TOO well done.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Oh, another scene for me was in "The Sixth Sense": When Hayley and Toni are in the car sitting in traffic (when the biker is killed), and they talk about when he saw her mother, who said, "Every day." When Toni Collette fills in the rest of the story and ends with telling Hayley the question was, "Do I make her proud?" ... that tremor in her voice, and her hand to her face, and the look on Osment's face ... well, it all came together in one very powerful moment of realization for her and healing sadness for them both.


I am having a nervous breakdance
I was going to tell you about when I go to the bathroom every morning, but then I realized this was a thread about Night...
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Originally Posted by Piddzilla
I was going to tell you about when I go to the bathroom every morning, but then I realized this was a thread about Night...
Piddy ... Down boy, DOWN BOY! Behave! You're not in mixed company any more!

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Austruck
Piddy ... Down boy, DOWN BOY! Behave! You're not in mixed company any more!
I'm down, lady!

Has anyone ever told you you look like a guinnea pig in that picture?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Originally Posted by Piddzilla
I'm down, lady!

Has anyone ever told you you look like a guinnea pig in that picture?
(sigh) Yeah, I get that all the time. And do you know you look like the lead singer of Live? Or Telly Savalas. I can't decide which.

Originally Posted by Austruck
(sigh) Yeah, I get that all the time. And do you know you look like the lead singer of Live? Or Telly Savalas. I can't decide which.
Actually Pid, your head ironically looks strangely like Pluto sans the dark lavender.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by Austruck
(sigh) Yeah, I get that all the time. And do you know you look like the lead singer of Live? Or Telly Savalas. I can't decide which.
It's not the same guy?? Man, I knew I would learn something by entering a Night thread.

Originally Posted by 7thson
Actually Pid, your head ironically looks strangely like Pluto sans the dark lavender.
Man, be glad Brando isn't alive to read that.... He would slur you to death....

Find your purpose...
I would have to say that it's when Ivy comes down over that fence in "The Village". The shear terror in her face as she encounters "an outsider" for the first time! Just the realization that these people made their own PLACE so that they could get away from the hostility in the world today just blows me away, everytime. Still gives me goosebumps.

One that has been sticking in my mind recently--I have no idea why--is a scene from Unbreakable. It's the scene where Bruce Willis's character gently nudges the newspaper toward his son to show him the headline about the caped hero. When the boy looks back up at his dad, Bruce Willis nods almost imperceptibly, and the two of them silently share the secret--and their joy in it--just by looking at each other. I think the scene's power comes from its subtlety. The emotional weight is kept internal for everyone: the father, the son, and the audience. And because the brain needs a little time to process what just happened, the scene's power lingers through the rest of the movie, (and beyond). I love that scene! It was so well-crafted.

My favorite powerful moment from The Village is when the creatures first come into the town. Lucius and Ivy haven't really officially gotten together yet. Ivy is standing one front porch crying because she knows Lucius is outside trying to help people get inside. You see a creature coming toward her in the background and it's out of focus. Then Lucius grabs her hand at the very last second and pulls her inside the cabin. Everything is in this really cool slow motion effect and the music is incredible. You see a closeup of their hands clasping and know that Lucius loves her and cares for her. Very cool.

julienh's Avatar
Registered User
My favorite powerful moment from The Village is when the creatures first come into the town. Lucius and Ivy haven't really officially gotten together yet. Ivy is standing one front porch crying because she knows Lucius is outside trying to help people get inside. You see a creature coming toward her in the background and it's out of focus. Then Lucius grabs her hand at the very last second and pulls her inside the cabin. Everything is in this really cool slow motion effect and the music is incredible. You see a closeup of their hands clasping and know that Lucius loves her and cares for her. Very cool.
This is my favourite moment too. And I will add the last 10 minutes of "Lady in the Water". I can't wait for the release of the Dvd.