Silent Hill

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After all has been said from u guys I agree with everyone here, take away the 3 and a half out of 4 rating and give it a solid 2. wasnt sacay at all i thought as the game makes you jump from your seat well it did me anway!

I thought silent hill was an excellent movie the special effects was so good i hope they do a sequel i cant wait....

Originally Posted by 7thson
I was hoping for more from this. I have not seen it yet, but your quick review does not merit your 3/5 rating. At least IMO. Should I go see it?
i thought this movie sucked. There was a couple good scenes but overall i hated it

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
The video game was definately interesting but the movie I found to be a hell of a lot better than I was expecting.

The best thing was how it almost felt like the game.
Certain scenes were definately done in video-game style.

Pyramid-Head was one of the creepiest bastaches I've ever seen
I've never quite seen anyone use a sword (blade? knife?) like what he was holding.
The boy definately means buisness.
Can you say "overkill"?

I was disapointed with the ending, however but I'm hoping a sequel will satisfy me there.

Now if only someone would make an Eternal Darkness movie.
Fear the Probe!

The ending of Silent Hill screams sequel, they aren't going to leave it where they have.
It's quite a good film but i think you have a better understanding of it of you have played the games

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
I liked bits of the film, the overall look, and it started out quite un-nerving then rapidly became more mainstream Hollywood fare.
Wasn't the best film I've seen, my general feeling was that they were going for a 15 release instead of an 18, the ending was the most dissappointing thing about the whole film.
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

I think the movie sucked a lot. The only thing that would have made it awesome would have been a lesbo scene with the cop and the lady or having the dead guy in the bathroom bite off the ladies fingers when she tried to get the whatever out of its mouth. Like I said, it sucked a lot.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

have you visited witchy today???
so for MONTHS afterward, me and my friend would HEAR the static and HEAR the creature noises and freak. long after we completed the game, we'd you know, be coming up the steps tomy apartment late at night and hear static or creaking or whatever and get scared.

ha ha! i know what you mean. the games are sooo creepy!

i just managed to finally get round to watching silent hill last night. i quite enjoyed it. i really liked how like the game it was in some of the scenes and the way it was filmed.

my brother went to see it and said it was just wierd but he has never played the games. (stupid boy )
have you visited witchy today??

monkey business

Rock-n-Roll hoochie koo
Haven't really got to playing the game, but I think I'm going to check it out. I really like the movie though. I thought the ending wasn't that bad, but it was vague how they "you know".
"There used to be a time when being crazy meant something, but now everybody is crazy" - Charlie Manson

I just finished watching this movie tonight (i started it 2 days ago). I was so bored by this movie but I heard some good things about it and I kept watching. I was hoping it would get better. It didn't and now I can't get those 2 hours of my life back, nor the $4 I spent renting it.

WARNING: "Silent Hill complaints" spoilers below
The special effects were too much, the creatures were stupid, and I noticed a similarity to other movies. The Terminator (the police woman's outfit, the big kinife going through the door), Carrie (the scene where she was covered in blood), and any Stephen King movie involving creatures (Tommyknockers, Sleepwalkers etc).

The idea for this movie was fine and dandy, the whole being trapped in another (past) world thing, but come on... it was ruined by those monsters that danced around when light was shone on them. Give me a break!

EMMA_19's Avatar
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i didnt get the ending its really confusing

Silent Hill is for me, a very under-rated movie. Gans is one of the best visual directors working today, and whilst Brotherhood of The Wolf is a better movie, Silent Hill never deserved the mauling it received from the critics. Atmospheric, frightening, beautiful and pretty well acted for a movie based on a computer game, it's a movie which may in time, attain the reputation it deserves.

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I really hated this movie. Video games do not transfer well into films.

I believe there is potential for video games to be made into good movies, it's just that all attempts so far have been so baaaaaaaaad (don't even get me started on the Resident Evil "films").

I quite liked SH, having played all the games a number of times and being very familiar with the story. I went with a friend who hadn't played the game, and she didn't really enjoy it.

I thought that Pyramid Head was done quite well, but didn't have the right feel as in the game. The film made him out to be a psycho with a knife, which is all well and scary, but in the game he is much more of a presence (plus you have that earlier kitchen scene..ewwwwwww).

Didn't like the nurses. Too dance-like. I was waiting for Missy Eliot or JT to jump out and lead them all in some crazy moves. The sound was very good, particularly the siren, one of the creepiest elements of the game.

I agree that Sean Bean's character and storyline were tacked on (I believe the script was originally written with only female leads).

As for a sequel, I can only hope that it will follow the storyline of SH2 (the game), which many canned but I loved. I won't give anything away for those who haven't played, but I think the story in terms of depth of character is much more interesting in SH2. Pity they've already used Pyramid Head!
He was the patron saint of quality footwear...

It' such a fine line between stupid and clever...

These go to eleven.

I think that I'd lost my time watchimg this movie...
Far enough from the original game !
I was kind of dissapointed.
Another bad remake .
movie critique

ilsailor's Avatar
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The movie was pretty accurate with the game. It had a good story line, the acting was ok. But the special effects could have been better in some parts of the movie. As for the movie itself....It is enjoyable.
Knowledge is useless without imagination.

Just watched this movie for the first time, and it was quite good. cant believe i've put it off for this long. it did, however, leave me with questions, and after after reading the game plot summaries (as ive never played the games), im even more...confused?

the games dont seem to make out that there was a religious cult until SH3, and if the movie was based on ***/2, why is a religious cult a part of it at all?? if my understanding is correct, in the games the mother Dahlia was murderer/culprit of Alessa. the other thing that was odd, is that the movie logic doesnt gel - either the girl IS or ISNT a demon. the whole fanaticism angle suggests that crazy religious kooks harmed a perfectly innocent child, simply because she was different (in the movie, she was a bastard and her mother would not name a father). they give a poorly contrived explanation as to why she has morphed into a demonic creature from Hell - she was in pain? REALLY? That's all it takes to become a demon?? Really?

It doesnt make good sense. The irony is (and I wonder if even the writers saw this one), that the plot is written to where the Cult CREATES the Evil everyone swears doesnt exist in the poor kid. They never really make that argument in the movie - and they should have, because its a good one. It would have been awesome to have Alessa walk out, innocent as pie, and morph into Evil Alessa, and say to a riveted audience: "You Made Me!"

What a missed opportunity.

In other news - Im pissed they killed Cybil - she was stand-up character and didnt deserve to go out like that, although i had her pegged for the red shirt as soon as she showed up.

Finally - loads of applause on the use of Sean Bean. However, that weak explanation from the cop - the pat on the back and sending him home? Nu-uhn. If you find your spouse's car AND the cop that followed abandoned on the side of the road, and your spouse, kid and the cop are MIA - there is no way in ......the world ..... that anyone should be able to send you anywhere without some answers.

Specially if you surmise your spouse is, y'know.....dead.