Thanks for your work


Registered User
That's it.
I just saw Lady In The Water.
It felt appropriate to tell the boy "Thanks" for his work and then to say to everyone else "Please, shut up. The flowers are wilting and, considering we've spent a great deal of time tending our garden, maybe we should turn around and focus on what's important before they're all gone."

Originally Posted by ken
That's it.
I just saw Lady In The Water.
It felt appropriate to tell the boy "Thanks" for his work and then to say to everyone else "Please, shut up. The flowers are wilting and, considering we've spent a great deal of time tending our garden, maybe we should turn around and focus on what's important before they're all gone."
That was just a tad bit confusing. Was that a metaphor for something. If it was, boy, it sucks not to be wise. anyway, welcome to the site. hope you like it.
"'How many more of you are there?'" - M. Night Shyamalan

Registered User
Originally Posted by diane09
That was just a tad bit confusing. Was that a metaphor for something. If it was, boy, it sucks not to be wise. anyway, welcome to the site. hope you like it.
Ya, it was a poor excuse for one. I was pretentiously talking through my arse and didn't really intend to look back. Mainly I was hoping to get a conversation started. Stupid sayings and weak metaphors tend to do just that. Oh, and I'm definitely no where near the vicinity of wise. Probably "weak in the art of personal censorship and editing" is a better description for myself.
The site's nice. I wish I had found it sooner.

i don't really know what you people are talking about, but welcome Ken!


I wipe my ass with your feelings
Originally Posted by kyrstenburroughs
i don't really know what you people are talking about, but welcome Ken!

M. Night doesn't come to these forums. Sorry.

His asking price is too high.
We're soldiers. Soldiers don't go to hell. It's war. Soldiers, they kill other soldiers. We're in a situation where everybody involved knows the stakes. And if you're gonna accept those stakes... You gotta do certain things. It's business, we're soldiers. We follow codes... Orders.

Originally Posted by ken
Ya, it was a poor excuse for one. I was pretentiously talking through my arse and didn't really intend to look back. Mainly I was hoping to get a conversation started. Stupid sayings and weak metaphors tend to do just that. Oh, and I'm definitely no where near the vicinity of wise. Probably "weak in the art of personal censorship and editing" is a better description for myself.
The site's nice. I wish I had found it sooner.
LOL. Yeah, there are a lot of nice people on here. You don't need "stupid sayings and weak metaphors" to start a conversation. lol but, it was funny.

Originally Posted by diane09
LOL. Yeah, there are a lot of nice people on here. You don't need "stupid sayings and weak metaphors" to start a conversation. lol but, it was funny.
Diane's right, Ken. We're a gabby bunch. Or at least I am. lol.

Originally Posted by Godsend
M. Night doesn't come to these forums. Sorry.

His asking price is too high.

Godsend, Is your signature a quote from a movie? If so, which one?

Registered User
Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Godsend, Is your signature a quote from a movie? If so, which one?
You're not kidding. You really are a gabby bunch.
Godsend, that was damn funny! I didn't think he did either ... it did sort of sound like I was sucking the chrome off his pipes though. I really just wanted to talk about what the movie sparked feeling-wise. What did it lead you to think about when you left the context of the flick behind. I seriously felt like I needed to be more productive with family and personal projects (obviously hanging out on this site isn't exactly furthering that cause. I guess I too need to gab). I guess what I was originally trying to say was that I agree with what he was saying about us forgetting the bigger, more important things in life and focusing on petty stuff that amounts to nothing. As a whole we sure have become busy people. For what?
I think that was better than the poop I threw at you guys when I stepped in the door.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Godsend, Is your signature a quote from a movie? If so, which one?
From The Sopranos

Originally Posted by Godsend
From The Sopranos
Oh, shoot. I don't get HBO. (I think it's on HBO?) I'm probably the only person in America who hasn't watched that show.

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Oh, shoot. I don't get HBO. (I think it's on HBO?) I'm probably the only person in America who hasn't watched that show.
I haven't seen the show either.

Originally Posted by sandyintheburbs
Oh, shoot. I don't get HBO. (I think it's on HBO?) I'm probably the only person in America who hasn't watched that show.
I've seen it a couple of times, and it's soo good. anyway...

Nope you're not the only person. I've never seen the Soprano's either....