You Ever Walk Out of the Theater?


Originally Posted by Brit_3
Anger Management. It wasn't horrible but I didn't find it that funny and/or interesting so my friend and I walked out and got something to eat instead.
I didn't leave the theatre but your right. That was one of the worst films for me that year to endure.

Lost in never never land
I haven't ever walked out of a movie. That has some to do with the fact that I don't see tons in theaters. The only one I wanted to walk out on was Ultraviolet, but I kept hoping that it would actually end up being decent. It didn't.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Registered User
Yes, I did walk out once, due to a power failure in the theater. But I got a free ticket to come back and watch the movie again.
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Originally Posted by The Gnat
I wanted to walk out on was Ultraviolet, but I kept hoping that it would actually end up being decent. It didn't.
I got the DVD as a gift and I knew, I so knew I should not have opened it and returned it instead....but alas I did not . I actually love the storyline, but other than that it stank like catfish bait in a jar.

Recipe: Sticky Chum!: Fill a 5 gallon bucket 3/4 way up with soy beans and half water, add chicken blood\shad blood. Cover and let set in sun for a month or two, then drill 1/8 inch holes in the lid. Tie a rope to the handle and put it in the water where you are going to fish and let sit for an hour or two. Then go fishing. Warning: extremely stinky chum!!!
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

No, but I almost did and I really wish I had on Mr & Mrs Smith
See Ya In The Movies

I was forced to walk out of The Matrix after about 20 minutes because my girlfriend didn't care for it.

I went back two days later and finished it.

My girlfriend was never seen again...

I've never walked out of a movie theater without finishing the movie but I came very close to when I watched the Hulk.

I mean I never saw the Hulk... I heard it was terrible, who would see the Hulk? *laughs nervously*

... but but.... Jennifer Conolly is in it.
JA Cambece
JA Cambece Law Office

I'd Rather Be Dancing
I have never walked out of the theatre w/o finishing. I pick and choose my movies to see so carefully and now that the price of the tickets are so expensive I usually stick it out.

I was impetuous in my youth; therefore I walked out of Moulin Rouge. It was the only film I have ever walked out of. That being said, I cannot believe some of you said you wished you had walked out of Empire Strikes Back or The Patriot (although I am no patriot, I enjoy the movie a lot).

Rock24cb's Avatar
Registered User
I didn't walk out but I fell asleep in a couple movies:

SOLARIS (perhapse the most boring movie ever)
Mothman Prophecy (Holy crap that movie was bad)

Okay, I didn't catch anyone say this yet, so I'll say it.

If the movie is bad, why don't you just walk out and go into another movie? It's not stealing because if the first movie was so bad that you walked out of it, it means you didn't complete the movie and therefore didn't officially see all of a film, which is what you pay $7.50 for, and are therefore allowed to see a new one, unless there aren't any other choices...

Here's what you do if any complications come up:
1: If a movie is terrible, and its only played midway, then you can walk out of it and look for a better movie.
2: If that movie doesn't start for another half hour or hour, then wait it out, by either going into a movie you saw weeks earlier that you may have enjoyed (even if its in the middle or near the end) and watching the rest to waste time until the next movie starts (its important to have a watch and/or cell phone) OR just wait it out, by going to the bathroom and washing your face and rubbing your eyes, trying to forget the utter crap you just saw, maybe make a phone call, or just walk around the auditorium looking at posters, etc.

Good idea?

Yes, it is.

Everyone do that next time.

I had a blast yesterday at the AMC, I stayed there for 5 hours. I watched "Monster House" (enjoyed it) and then walked into "Little Man" (havent seen it, enjoyed the first 50 minutes) and then realized another movie I wanted to see (you, me and dupree) started in about 10 minutes.
I walked out of LITTLE MAN and went to see YOU, ME AND DUPREE, and noticed that another showing of LITTLE MAN would start at the same time as YM&D and I therefore planned to watch YM&D, and if it wasnt good, I would walk out on the 50 minute mark and go into the showing of LITTLE MAN, and continue where I left off, which would be 50 minutes in.

Unfortunately, I was walking down the hallway and POTC2 caught my attention and I watched the rest of that (i already saw it weeks earlier) and never finished LITTLE MAN.

Should I be saying all of this?

Oh well, it was fun.

I walked out of TITANIC... I just couldn't do it. It was the soundtrack that did it for me. I was rewady to puke when Celine Dion's music came on.
Gort! Deglet ovrosco!

Wuv,tru wuv will forrow you forevah
I walked out on Gothika. Actually I should have not even been in there, but went into a rated R movie and left early because it was a piece of sXXX

Level 2 : Farmer
I walked out of "shinobi". A piece of crap!

I'm the biggest wuss ever!
I cant watch horror movies..
I saw resident evil.. and i threw up and left i was so scared....
lol i know im a loser..
but i cant sleep after and i get really ill and pretty much get scared till i pass out.

I've only done it once.. It was during Mothman Prophacies

That movie was crap beyond belief

ilsailor's Avatar
Registered User
I walked out on Malibu's Most Wanted in the first 20 minutes.. I can say now that I was better off and getting my money back.
Knowledge is useless without imagination.

Sadly, I have to say Lost in Translation. Maybe I also got lost along the way.
Carolynn Wong.
Free DVD burning software.

Originally Posted by Everett
Okay, I didn't catch anyone say this yet, so I'll say it.

If the movie is bad, why don't you just walk out and go into another movie? It's not stealing because if the first movie was so bad that you walked out of it, it means you didn't complete the movie and therefore didn't officially see all of a film, which is what you pay $7.50 for, and are therefore allowed to see a new one, unless there aren't any other choices...

Here's what you do if any complications come up:
1: If a movie is terrible, and its only played midway, then you can walk out of it and look for a better movie.
2: If that movie doesn't start for another half hour or hour, then wait it out, by either going into a movie you saw weeks earlier that you may have enjoyed (even if its in the middle or near the end) and watching the rest to waste time until the next movie starts (its important to have a watch and/or cell phone) OR just wait it out, by going to the bathroom and washing your face and rubbing your eyes, trying to forget the utter crap you just saw, maybe make a phone call, or just walk around the auditorium looking at posters, etc.

Good idea?

Yes, it is.

Everyone do that next time.

I had a blast yesterday at the AMC, I stayed there for 5 hours. I watched "Monster House" (enjoyed it) and then walked into "Little Man" (havent seen it, enjoyed the first 50 minutes) and then realized another movie I wanted to see (you, me and dupree) started in about 10 minutes.
I walked out of LITTLE MAN and went to see YOU, ME AND DUPREE, and noticed that another showing of LITTLE MAN would start at the same time as YM&D and I therefore planned to watch YM&D, and if it wasnt good, I would walk out on the 50 minute mark and go into the showing of LITTLE MAN, and continue where I left off, which would be 50 minutes in.

Unfortunately, I was walking down the hallway and POTC2 caught my attention and I watched the rest of that (i already saw it weeks earlier) and never finished LITTLE MAN.

Should I be saying all of this?
All I can say is you had huge luck. You are an example of someone who should (in all reality) be kicked out of the theater.

Anyhow, by doing so going into POTC and other big hits....YES it's like stealing from others in a way. From others who don't get a chance to see the film. You take away that persons ability in getting a seat.

Come on now and use your brain. You don't really belong in a movie you didn't pay for.

My life isn't written very well.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?