Movies You Wished You Lived In


Just a girl who loves movies
Don't know about the movie, but i wish I could live in those awesome mountains in Legends of the Fall. Or in those from The Last Samurai ...
Movie Reviews

I would have loved to been in Green Street Hooligans. Being a soccer fanatic sounds awesome! The violence, the rush of getting in a fight...would be amazing Thankfully the DVD comes out June 13th, thats as close as i'll be getting to that i think

"Planet of the Apes"

Always wanted to smack around a few chimps and steal their bananas.

However the Apes I'll just leave alone. They're too big and scary.

Sense and Sensibility...I am a Jane Austen freak. :P

Registered User
The Matrix 4 sure

The Princess Bride. Or perhaps more so, What Dreams May Come. And who wouldnt want a chance at being a mutant in the X-Men?
Although the Coyote is far supirior in intellect, Roadrunner always wins. Why is that? Wiley always puts forth his best effort, and no matter what, he always loses to a moron. I guess im sort of like Roadrunner. I just get by on dumb luck.

-The Collection-

Thehottestlovehasthecolde stend.
Lord of the Rings & Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

The Princess Bride would be great. Also the Goonies and Narnia. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy would be nice to. The Harry Potter Films.
See Ya In The Movies

All those fantasy movies would be great lol though I like the thought of something more true to life (but undoable for litigious reasons LOL) something like in the movie Green Street Hooligans where you can have major brawls in sing about soccer games in drunken pubs. That would be great.
Eternal Sunshine. I have about seven girlfriends that I'd love to forget.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas! hahaha at least for a week!

well after 2 nights of thinking I've discovered that i want to live the life of the character of John Cussac in High fidelity or some pirate movie like the Pirates of the caribean or Cutthroat island
I'm in movie heaven

High Fidelity (i would like to know Rob, Barry and Dick)

The Big Lebowski (just to know "the dude" would be awesome)

The Fifth Element


Notting Hill

The Princess Bride

Benny & Joon

Reality Bites




Pirates of the Caribbean

Peter Pan (i always wanted to be a lost boy even though i am a female)

Almost Famous
I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice, but still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess i just miss my friend- (THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION)

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
I would love to live in the movies Hostel,Saw 1,2,And3, Alien vs. Predator,The Grudge, And all the other movies there is blood in.

This One Time At Band Camp...
Any from the fantasy world. Narnia, The Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter, Labyrinth, Willow.

Best line ever in a movie...
The Village

I would love to "know" there were monsters right outside my back yard where I played/lived. But it would be cool to live in their little society... seemed very simple, very laid back. I would like that.

Best line ever in a movie...
Originally Posted by dojo
Don't know about the movie, but i wish I could live in those awesome mountains in Legends of the Fall. Or in those from The Last Samurai ...
Not sure if you're interested, but they filmed this movie where I used to live, or near where I used to live which is Missoula & Helena, Montana. I lived there when I was about 12 years old. A very beautiful place just like the movie depicted.

most of these have already been said, but...

Princess Bride
Star Wars
MIB (if I can be one)