Saddest movie you have seen


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Edit: However, let's stop this argument now before it gets out of control. I don't really like the catty, pointlessly argumentative turn the forum is taking, and I just caught myself contributing to it. I apologise.
Agree. And for the record, I was definitly not attacking MoFo by making that thread. I've been a part of this forum longer than you have and not that has any bearance, but trust me I love this place as much as you do.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
Agree. And for the record, I was definitly not attacking MoFo by making that thread. I've been a part of this forum longer than you have and not that has any bearance, but trust me I love this place as much as you do.
Ok. *handshake*
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

Not sure if has been mentioned in this thread but The Last American Virgin is in my top 10 saddest movies. The ending stays with me to this day.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

There's treachery afoot!!!
The saddest movie I have ever seen was probably Million Dollar Baby the movie takes a serious left turn at the end and it was the saddest ever.
"Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." -Patton 1970

There's treachery afoot!!!
But the saddest movie ever made was Baman & Robin. If you haven't seen it, don't. I'll never get those two hours of my life back again.

The United States Of Leland
The Notebook was also pretty sad

"My girl" The 1st one. I was like in Junior High when I watched it. I cried and cried. Then I read the book. HAHA! Wow

Registered User
The saddest Movie I ever saw...In The Bedroom. That one stayed with me for a few days after.

Bang The Drum Slowly
Pay It Forward was fairly sad

Most recently The Notebook

For God's sake don't watch "signs"
Well...I just watched "Forrest Gump" so...before I cry miself to sleep I'll post here that for me this is the second saddest movie (The first is AI).
My avatar is the evil doctor whom tried to test if his dumbness potion he put in the water had worked. So he created a movie to defy the inteligence of the most lesser minded human beings he decided to call this movie "signs".

A Walk To Remember

You're only as healthy as you feel
First of all i never cry during a movie but ( Awakenings ) oh my god i
always cry like a baby when i see it . DeNiro had an outstanding performance
What Do You think of your self ??!

The House Of Sand And Fog was my saddest and also the most disturbing film that I have seen in a long while.

Originally Posted by Robert DeNiro
First of all i never cry during a movie but ( Awakenings ) oh my god i
always cry like a baby when i see it . DeNiro had an outstanding performance
I cry during all movies with Robin Williams, but they're more tears of rage.

I remember watching 'who will love my children' (1983), a television film. when I was around six years old. I think it was the first film I ever cried at. I can remember it so clearly.

'The mission' was very upsetting.

I also was upset after watching 'lilya 4-ever' by Lukas Moodysson, but I think I was more content for the character than sad.

Also, 'a short film about killing', part of kieslowski's Dekalog.

I'm gonna have to add the recent remake of King Kong to my list

Pay It Forward

And I know u guys will get on me for this one, but the last scene of Uptown Girls where Neal sings Molly Smiles to Molly Gunn and Lorraine does her ballet dance. Remember i was a 12 year old girl when I saw that.

King Kong was definitly sad but it didnt make me want to cry, maybe if the movie as a whole wa sa bit shorter.but i was fighting sleep.

Registered User
I balled my eyes out at the End of A Walk To Remember.