Film title changed?


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I watched a good little film on telly yesterday starring Michael J. Fox and Gabrielle Anwar called For Love or Money. However, I've seen it before, but it was called The Concierge.

Anyone know anything about this? Seen it as The Concierge?


He has a plan to build a great new hotel, and almost gets ripped off by the person who's having an affair with Anwar, but in the end gets it going thanks to a rich businessman whose marriage he helped in a delightful little twist at the end .

MovieForums Extra

Yeah Ollie, I've seen the movie just recently, but I know it as the Concierge as well, I didn't even know it existed under another title...

But you're right, it was a good movie!

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
I told you the answer over at SitePoint. I can't believe you doubted my research. LOL!

"The Concierge" was the working title, and they released it in the US as "For Love or Money." Then it was released as "The Concierge" overseas.
Jim Lewis
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Crouching Tiger, Paint Your Wagon - Forums

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Hey James, I just went to the FrappyDoo forums for the first time, WHOA I just have to congratulate you! I was reading some of the discussions about evolution and conspiracy theories, talk about information overload !! Great forum, I'll probably join (though I'm starting to get addicted to this forum, if I spend any more time on forums I'll go nuts!)

By the way, this was unrelated to the previous post

Registered User
Hey james, I didn't doubt your research . I just wanted to add more posts to my total here . Besides, Zeph doesn't hang out at Sitepoint, and I would feel rude having a movie conversation but leaving him out!

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
Originally posted by Zephyrus

Hey James, I just went to the FrappyDoo forums for the first time, WHOA I just have to congratulate you! I was reading some of the discussions about evolution and conspiracy theories, talk about information overload !! Great forum, I'll probably join (though I'm starting to get addicted to this forum, if I spend any more time on forums I'll go nuts!)

By the way, this was unrelated to the previous post
Thanks for the compliment. We work hard to make FrappyDoo a great place. TWTCommish helped us get off the ground. I owe a lot to him.

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It's not all that uncommon for movies to be released under different titles in other countries -- even English speaking countries. One famous example is Leon/The Professional.

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Hey crash, can you believe that I just put two and two together?! I saw both Leon and The Professional (at different times), and up to now I thought they were two different movies !!

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All you Bruce Lee fans out there will probably know about an even more confusing title-change dilemna.

Bruce's first Hong Kong feature was called "The Big Boss" all around the world, but American distributors renamed it to "Fists of Fury".

Then, Bruce's second film came out, and it was actually called "Fist of Fury", so the American title had to change to "The Chinese Connection".

They couldn't even leave the title alone for his third film, which was called "The Way of the Dragon" everywhere except America, where it was titled "Return of the Dragon".

Two movies with the same title, and the same star - try that on for size!

Registered User
Lordy, Zeph. Good film. Worth seeing twice, I suppose. Snicker, snicker.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally posted by Zephyrus

Hey James, I just went to the FrappyDoo forums for the first time, WHOA I just have to congratulate you! I was reading some of the discussions about evolution and conspiracy theories, talk about information overload !!
haha, I remember going there and talking about evolution. The conversation kinda stopped after I showed up, I've been waiting for that 4everhis guy to reply. Just to let you know James the only reason I stopped posting there is because you have developed such a great community where everyone knows each other, I couldn't really ease on in there as a teenager and all.

Oh I know nothing about the movie your talking about, I just wanted to say that.
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I know what you mean, despite everything there was a small flaw with the forum...the average age of the posters was probably something like 50, so there's some HEAVY philosophising going on That's what I meant when I said information overload!! The thread must have been something like 6 pages long...whoa!

Hey, as long as Commish doesn't mind, we should start a thread here about evolution to see what our somewhat "younger" community would say about it!

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
We are trying to get more teens at FrappyDoo. Chris is now the moderator of our Teens Forum. Lately we've had about four or five teens join. Hopefully, more will.

jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
It's pretty funny that you think most of us at FrappyDoo are in our 50's. I'm 34. Many of them are your parent's age, but our most active new members are teens.

MovieForums Extra

I realised that now actually...but if you look at people like Millitary Mom, you can see exactly what I mean

I liked that movie...I think it's one of Fox's best performances. It was called FOR LOVE OR MONEY when I saw it. It's loosely based on the 1960 classic THE APARTMENT.